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Little Space AU

Little Tae
Daddy Kook

"Pwease Ignore Da Mishtakes" -TaeTae

"Let's go to see Da stars and Da moon

I's'll fly far into space as long as I's am Wif Chu

Da light in Mah bright eyes when Chu're near

Da fluttering I's feel in Mah chest when Chu are here"

Taehyung sang while playing with his bunny. He was sitting in the living room waiting for his Daddy to come back from the store as he went to buy Taehyung his new pacifier and some playthings as well,

"Mr BunBun Dada will come back soon Wif your new Fwen be ready okay? Chu will not be alone anymore" Taehyung told while clutching his bunbun tightly.

He gasped when he heard the door opening,

" Dada ish here," Tae announced and placed his Bunny on the sofa and rushed to hug his Daddy,

"Dada I's missed Chu" Tae cheered as he hopped into Jungkook's arm,

Jungkook stumbled a bit but stood still with his baby in his arm."Baby be careful we could have fallen "He said setting the shopping bags on the floor

Tae got out of Jungkook's embrace and stood on the floor properly, He kept his head down while pouting cutely,

"TaeTae ish Sowwy Dada" Tae apologized, Jungkook cooed bending down a little bit as Taehyung was shorter than him and placed his fingers on Taehyung's chin making eye contact with each other,

"It's okay baby anyways I bought you your toys," Jungkook said and picked up the bags from the floor, Tae's eyes glittered in excitement as he embraced his Daddy smiling broadly,

"Tank chu dada"He exclaimed, Jungkook giggled and handed his baby the bags.

"Let's see what dada bought for you okay?"Jungkook said as Taehyung nodded his head in excitement and grasped Jungkook's hand, running to the sofa.

Jungkook relaxed on the sofa as Tae rested on his laps. The little excitement opened the bag and peeked inside the bag as he gasps looking at so many things in the bags,

"A Binkie?!? Tank chu dad it Ish so cute" Tae said as he grabbed the pacifier from the bag, he pecked Jungkook's cheek and placed the pacifier in the mouth.

"A Binkie?!? Tank chu dad it Ish so cute" Tae said as he grabbed the pacifier from the bag, he pecked Jungkook's cheek and placed the pacifier in the mouth

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(The Pacifier)

Jungkook giggled at Tae's cuteness as he kept pecking his face after each toy or materials he gets,

After sometimes Tae stop sucking the pacifier and pulled it out of his mouth."Tank chu so much dada for bringing Taetae so many stuffies, Binkies, and dwesses," Tae started clapping his hands in excitement.

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