𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 𝕻𝖔𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓

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I know I didn't update for a long time. So here is a long chapter for y'all hehe.


Taehyung's POV

I was sleeping peacefully on his bed when I heard a tenor voice yelling which woke me up a little."WAKE UP DEAR TAEHYUNGIE~~~~" Someone sang loudly."No, I don't want to" I said rolling on the bed and putting a pillow over my face."Wakey wakey"The person said in a soft voice. Then I realized the voice belonged to my beloved cousin, Jin. So I just ignored him and tried to sleep again. Then.

"WAKE THE FUCK UP" Jin yelled and kicked me making me fall on the cold floor. I groaned and stood up rubbing my butt."Why did you do that?"I grumbled. But Jin paid no attention to me."Now that you are awake come down I already made breakfast."He aforementioned and walked away."Freaking Pig" I mumbled."I HEARD THAT ALIEN"Jin yelled."WHATEVER"I yelled back annoyed.

After a bad waking up experience. I washed up and changed my outfit. When I walked downstairs, I was greeted with the mouth-watering aroma of Chocolate Crêpe. I quickly ran towards the kitchen and looked at the Crêpe which was placed o the table.

 I quickly ran towards the kitchen and looked at the Crêpe which was placed o the table

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"Oh here, have your breakfast," Hyung said as he pointing at the Crêpe. I quickly sat down and started munching my food."This is so delicious hyung."I praised him. He smiling sweetly at me and started eating his food as well."By the way, why are you here?"I questioned before taking a big bite of Crêpe."Well, Uncle and Aunt have some work and they asked me to take care of you."He answered. I nodded not being able to talk because of the food in my mouth.

"Are you done with your breakfast?"Jin-Hyung asked. I nodded. He took the plate and placed it on the sink. After a few minutes, he was done washing the dishes. So we went to my school.


Time skip to School

Jin-hyung and I reached school."Behaviour properly okay?"He said in a serious tone."Hyung, I'm a good boy and it's not even my first day in this school "I said crossing my hand over my chest."Oppss I forgot hehe"He said sheepishly."No shit sherlock"I muttered under my breath and unlucky Hyung didn't hear me.

"Okay bye, now I'm going, "I said pecking his cheek."Okay, take care baby."He said. I nodded and got out of the car. I waved at him through the window. He waved back then drove off. I sighed and started walking away, wondering where my best friend is.

"TAEHYUNGIE~~"Someone shouted abruptly. I quickly turn around and saw my best friend running towards me with his arm opened wide."JIMINIE~"I yelled opening my arms as well. Then I was engulfed in a big and a warm hug."I missed you" He said."I missed you too."I said back. "How are you?"I said as we pulled away from the hug."Fabulous"He answered flipping his non-existent long hair."As usual" I said rolling my eyes.

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