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Jeon Jungkook and one of his friends, Jung Hoseok, stood tall in front of their locker whilst their fangirls screamed for them. Hoseok furrowed and scrunched his nose from the disgustingly sweet scents of the girl's perfume.

While taking out the books from his black backpack, Hoseok dropped something which immediately caught Jungkook's eye. He smirked and bend down to pick that shining object in his hand. Hoseok as well looked down observing the younger action when he gasped,

"Woah what is this hyung?"Jungkook said to Hoseok who gulped nervously as Jungkook straighten up."Who's this necklace for?"He asked swinging the necklace in front of Hoseok handsome face. 

"That's.......for nobody"Hoseok hurriedly said and seized the necklace out of Jungkook's hand who raised his eyebrows in surprise. He was about to question his hyung again when two of their friends came towards them.

"Hey, guys it's time for class now"The shorter male named Yoongi spoke, holding his boyfriend, Jimin closer to him."Yes, boys let's go"Jimin said jokingly punched Jungkook's hard chest and wandered away with his love towards their class.

As soon as they left another male came towards them."Baby"Jungkook shouted as he embraced his lover."Kookie"The male said hugging him back.

"Hey Taehyung what's up?"Hoseok asked the male."I'm all good but now let's go hyung we are late"Taehyung hurriedly broke the hug and held Hosoek's hand pulling him towards the opposite direction to where Yoonmin left.

They hurriedly walked away but was stopped by Jungkook."Where are you two going?"He questioned eyeing their hands which were intertwined."Class is this way"He continued pointing towards his back.

"W-we Ummm we a-are"Hoseok stuttered not knowing how to answer but Taehyung saved it.

"Drama Class"

"Yeah Drama Class," Hoseok said pointing at Taehyung.

"I told you about it, "Taehyung said nervously giggling."Right...I remember that sort of"Jungkook mumbled feeling confused."Well, then we will go. Come on My Romeo" Taehyung said pulling Hosoek 's arm.

"HUH?"Jungkook grumbled at 'My Romeo'

"I-i mean H-hoseok"Taehyung nervously uttered and ran away with Hosoek towards their Drama class. Jungkook made a face and turned around walking towards their class.

"My Romeo"He mumbled to himself not digesting the fact HIS boyfriend called OTHER by sweet nicknames.


"Thank you My Romeo"

"Thank you My Romeo"

"Thank You"

"Hyung" Taehyung whined at his hyung who was reading something.

"I'm really nervous about tonight performance," He said biting his nail's in stress."No, you're gonna be great" Hoseok replied making Taehyuyng smile slightly.

"Remember the key to getting rid of stage fright is to know that the audience wants you to do well"He continued.

"I'm Romeo, you are Juliet. There is nothing to fear about"He mentioned.

"My sweet princess," Hoseok said bowing to Taheyung showing some respect."Thank you Hyung, I really appreciate you helping me "Taehyung smile widely and hugged his hyung. Hoseok smiled and hugged him back.

"I can't wait to see the look on Kook's face when he sees me on the stage"Tae aforementioned breaking the hug and jumping in excitement.

"He is gonna love it"

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