New Year Kiss

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Taehyung can't understand everyone's obsession with the annual tradition of New Year's Kiss. Stepping into the next year with someone special like next year isn't going to hurt as much as the last. That seems like a beautiful sentiment. But he has never been one of those people.

Taehyung's POV

"Oh my god! Is that you, Taehyung? I haven't seen you in ages," I heard her voice before I even had to turn around to see her face. But when I turned around I saw Emma with her red curls and beautiful makeup. Taking a deep sigh, I prepared myself. Tonight would be a long night.

"What do you want?" I said coldly, getting straight to the point and ignoring her bright and cheerful energy.

"I saw you all alone so I thought I could help pull that wallflower we all know into the party. So what do you think?"

She went to reach for my hand but before that someone grabbed hers. "Or we could just leave him alone to enjoy his New Year. How about that?"

Both of us turned to look up at Jungkook. The moment Emma realized that he was holding her hand, I watched her melting. Her face turned red and I started silently seething in rage.

Jungkook was someone I longed for, but with him, it was always like he was seven steps ahead with his fangirls at his feet. I was the guy who just had to stand on the side lanes with their straight crush wishing for the best.

I put on a brighter smile and grabbed my cup from the table. "You two have a great time, but I think I'm gonna go and mingle. Or just get some fresh air" Chuckling softly I left Emma and Jungkook behind me and tried my best to enjoy the party but their chuckling and chattering that followed me didn't help at all.

Seeing how happy they were together was like a dagger to my heart. But each one was taken away when Jungkook and I met eyes, and he gave me his gorgeous smile.

Finally, I couldn't take any more of watching Emma hang on him like he was her only source of life support. So I walked and reached the patio. Taking in a breath of fresh air helped clear my head of buzz clouding my thoughts. I got the overwhelming feeling that I was at some popular kid's party in my teenage years.

"Thought I'd find you here," his husky voice was like a hot breath on the back of my neck. The sensation made me shiver and subconsciously made me grab the hem of my shirt.

"What can I say," I smiled. "Emma was right. I've always been a wallflower and parties have never been my thing. Don't know why I still pull myself to go to the parties." I knew very well that Jungkook was my only reason. Losing grip on my shirt, I finally turned to look him in the eyes and could feel my heart racing.

" Well, I'm always glad to see you at these parties whether they're your thing or not. I like to see you and how you light up," his face started glowing red. His words caused the butterflies inside my chest to awaken and I had to do my best to keep eye contact.

"Well I mean I only really come to these parties because I'm just enjoying the fact that you're having a good night," the moment the words slipped out of my mouth, my world froze. His face is now brighter than before. I immediately started apologizing, but before he could get a single word out, Emma returned.

"Let's go inside guys everyone's getting ready to count down together. Can't wait to see you inside" She said as she winked at Jungkook. I turned once again to an empty backyard.

"You can head inside and I'll meet you inside. Don't want to keep Emma waiting, or we both might feel her wrath," I giggled but even that felt forced. I took a deep breath but the butterflies kicked full speed as he placed his hand on mine. I gazed upon his face he didn't seem upset instead he seemed like the same happy go Jungkook.

"I only come here for the same reason as you do. Emma can rage all she wants cause I'm tired of her clinging to me. I know how she feels as she makes it obvious but I don't feel the same. I have more things for guys but there is a specific one who's a self-proclaimed wallflower to which I find myself growing quite attached." As he said the last part, he hesitantly wrapped his arm around me.

"What are you trying to say," my heart was racing. It was thawing. Emma was knocking on the door, soon to become banging as she looked at us. Panic plastered her face. The people inside chanted in unison as they counted down without a care.

"I think something like this might be better without a word if that's okay with you," he whispered as he got closer and closer. The moment the crowd inside reached one, I finally broke the distance. Midnight struck and I was the one who got their New Year's Kiss. Fireworks were going off as the entire world started celebrating the new year but it was nothing compared to what was going in my chest.

This was going to be a good year after all.



A journey of hard work and passion.
Happy 10th anniversary of our boys and ARMYs

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