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Jungkook and Taehyung met in high school and quickly became friends. They bonded over their shared love of music and games, soon they were inseparable. As the time went by, they grew closer and closer. Soon realized that they had feelings for each other. Jungkook gathered up the courage and asked Taehyung out and they started dating.

Everything was perfect.

However, Taehyung tended to overthink things. He would worry about everything. From what to wear on a date to whether or not Jungkook loved him. Jungkook on the other hand was carefree and didn't worry too much about anything.

At first, Jungkook found Taehyung's overthinking endearing. He thought it showed how much Taehyung cared about him. But as time went by, Jungkook began to worry that Taehyung's insecurities would drive them apart. He tried to reassure Taehyung that he loved him and that everything was okay, but nothing seemed to work.

One day, Taehyung and Jungkook were on a date at the park. They were sitting on a bench, holding hands and enjoying the sunshine. Suddenly, Taehyung turned to his lover with a worried expression.

"Jungkook, do you love me?" he asked. Jungkook was taken aback.

"Of course, I do, Baby. Why would you even ask that?"

"I don't know," Taehyung responded. "I just worry that you'll leave me or that I'm not good enough for you."

Jungkook took Taehyung's hand and looked him in the eyes. "Love, you are more than good enough for me. I love you for who you are, not for who you think you need to be. And I'm not going anywhere. I'm here for you, no matter what."

Taehyung felt a weight lifted off his shoulders. He realized that he had been overthinking things and that Jungkook truly loved him. From that day forward, Taehyung tried to worry less and enjoy his time with his lover more. They continued to date, and their love for each other only grew stronger.

However, old habits die hard, and Taehyung still found himself overthinking things from time to time. Jungkook tried to be patient, but it was starting to wear on him. He wanted his love to be happy and carefree like he was, but he didn't know how to help him.

One day, he decided to take matters into his own hands. He planned a surprise weekend getaway for the two of them. He didn't tell Taehyung where they were going, only that they were leaving early Saturday morning and would be back late Sunday night. Taehyung was nervous about the trip. He didn't like surprises, and he worried about what his Jungkookie had planned. But Jungkook was insistent, and Taehyung didn't want to disappoint him.

So, early Saturday morning, they set out on their adventure. They drove for hours, through winding roads and scenic routes. Taehyung was starting to get car sick, but Jungkook was there to hold his hand and talk to him. Finally, they arrived at their destination: a cozy cabin in the woods.

Taehyung was hesitant at first, but as soon as they stepped inside, he felt his worries melt away. The cabin was beautiful, with a roaring fireplace, comfortable furniture, and a fully stocked kitchen. Jungkook had even brought some of Taehyung's favorite books and movies.

For the rest of the weekend, they did nothing but relax and enjoy each other's company. They went for walks in the woods, read books by the fire, and cuddled on the couch. Jungkook didn't bring up Taehyung's overthinking once, and Taehyung felt himself starting to let go of his worries.

When they returned home on Sunday night, Taehyung felt like a new person. He was still prone to overthinking, but he had a newfound appreciation for the present moment. He realized that he didn't have to worry about the future or the past; all that mattered was the love he shared with his boyfriend, Jungkook.

From then on, Taehyung tried to worry less and enjoy his time with Jungkook more. He still had his moments of doubt and anxiety, but Jungkook was always there to support him and remind him of how much he was loved. They continued to date, and their love for each other only grew stronger.



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