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I don't mean to disrespect any culture or language. If you feel offended on any moment please forgive or kindly stop reading any further.


Jungkook's POV

I came home early from work to surprise my Taebaby. I have been very busy lately so Tae hasn't been talking with me.
I quickly opened the door with the key and quietly entered inside to hear music playing loudly."The fuck?!?"I cursed and covered my ears. I walked towards my and Tae's room to see Taehyung wearing a sexy dress and dancing.

 I walked towards my and Tae's room to see Taehyung wearing a sexy dress and dancing

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The Dress

My eyes widened and I gulped visibly. Taehyung was looking so damn hot and that dress perfectly showing his thick ass. I quickly snapped out of my imagination and cleared my throat hoping to get Tae's attention but failed. Then I saw Taehyung moving his ass sensually and I choked on air.

I coughed loudly finally getting Tae's attention. He quickly came towards me and checked."Mi Amor" He said and hugged me."Mi armor?"I thought in confusion but brushed it off."Why are you wearing this sexy dress baby?"I said smirking as I wrapped my hand around his waist slowly." I have to tell you something."He said nervously. I furrowed and became worried."What happened baby? Did someone bully you? Did you get hurt?"I kept rambling making him chuckle."No no, it's not like that?"He said and pulled me down making me sit on the bed.

"You are scaring me Tae."I said nervously as he holds both of my hand with his."I just found out that-"He said but I cut him off with my apology."I'm so sorry that I ate your strawberry. I was hungry" I pleaded thinking at he will make me sleep on the couch today."YOU WHAT-Anyways That's not what I was going to say"He said and I sighed in relief.

"I found out the I'm Spanish," Taehyung said. I tried hard to control my laugh but"HAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH YOU ARE WHAT?!?! HAHA"I ran out of breath."Jungkook I'm serious."Taehyung said seriously. I wiped my tears and crackled up again."Are you sure you are Spanish?"I said wiggling my eyebrows."Yes, I did a test and I found out that my ancestors were Spanish" Taehyung said smiling slightly."Oh is there a Nationality test device as well?"I mocked him.

"No, I did a Buzzfeed test and they told me I'm 100% Spanish"Taehyung said standing up slowly."Taehyung it's not true. Not everything is true."I said."No Jungkook my parents lied to me I'm Spanish."Taehyung said and started dancing as he sings a song.

"Loca, No te pongas bruto, (loca)"Taehyung said moving his hips. I licked my lips looking at his ass and tried to grab it but Taehyung ran out of the room singing loudly. Then I took the phone out of my pocket and called Jimin and Jin-hyung.

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