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Taehyung's POV


"This looks good but Nah"




Y'all might be questioning what am I talking about.

You see, my husband Jeon Jungkook has not been spending time with me and not cuddling with me. I understanding he is tired and has the stress of work but it's been like half months since we cuddled and spend some quality time with each other, I miss his sweet talk and warm arms.

And I, Kim Taehyung is a sucker for cuddles. I have the habit of hugging someone or something and sleeping, so it would have been okay before even if it was a small pillow but now because of my husband I need a big ass pillow or human to cuddle with me.

I can't get that big pillow, but I'm looking through this shopping website for a huge Teddy to cuddle with.

Well, enough of it let's search again.

"YES YES THIS" I squealed when I found a perfect teddy bear.

"Hmm let's order it then"



"Are you sure?!? HELL YEAH"

"Your teddy will be delivered tomorrow"

I hummed and looked at the clock fixed on the wall."Oh, it's 5 pm already" I said to myself and shut my laptop. I jumped out of the bed and waddled downstairs to cook dinner for Jungkook and me.

After 1 hour I was done and sighed in satisfaction glancing at the food I made with my hard work.

It was 6 pm now, I had plenty of time as Jungkook comes at 7 pm. And the food won't get cold as it was hot as hell right now,

I grinned and skipped to the living room. I bounced on the couch and grabbed the remote. I switched on the T.V and watched my favourite show.

I was laughing really hard looking at the T.V but my laughter died down soon when I heard the doorbell ring, I pouted and closed the T.V. I nonchalantly strolled to the doorway and unlocked the door.

Seeing the person in front of me made my laziness go away and rather happiness took over me."Kookie"I said cheerfully and embraced him though he didn't hug me back. I slightly pouted and looked at Jungkook face which was blank,

His tie was untied, he was drenched in sweat as his face looked tired. I sighed in sadness and took his bag out of his hand. I helped him take his coat out, he wandered away as I placed his coat on the hanger and his bag on the table.

He laid on the couch, exhausted.

"How was your day?"I questioned softly as I sat beside him, he swiftly placed his head on my laps. I smiled slightly and started to massage his head. I heard him breathed in relief.

"It was troublesome" He muttered.

"I had much paper works today, hopefully, tomorrow it will be less and I can come home early"He mentioned making me a little bit excited.

After 15 minutes it looked like Jungkook was asleep. I beamed at the sight of my cute bunny sleeping peacefully look handsome as ever, I didn't want to wake him up but he can't go to sleep with an empty stomach.

I slightly shooked him gaining a whine from him. I leaned closer to his ear and whispered,

"Wake up freshen up, you need to eat as well."

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