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"BABY~~~"The black-haired boy screamed, his voice reverberated throughout the hallway gaining the attention of all the students except the male he was seeking to talk to.

"My TaeTae" He cutely shouted as he swayed  towards the specific male who was busying locking his locker."My love"The black-haired male spoke back hugging the male in front of him."Let me go Jungkook"The male voiced out to Jungkook who shooked his head."I'm Sorry Love" Jungkook told with a huge pout."No, I won't forgive you" Taehyung said wiggling out of his grip.

"But I said I'm sorry" Jungkook stomped his feet on the ground. Tae bit back his smile witnessing his boyfriend's cuteness whereas everyone present in the hallway had their mouth open wide seeing the so-called Bad Boy's cuteness but they knew that this side was only towards one special person, Kim Taehyung.

"How dare you do that to me then?? Huh?"Taehyung said with a pout making Jungkook kiss his pout away immediately.

Everyone aww but wondered what did the black-haired male do."BABY I'M SORRY. I WILL NEVER DO THAT"Jungkook fake cried out, closing his eyes. Taehyung held back his giggle and ran away towards his classroom.

And when Jungkook opened his eyes back he saw that his love was gone. He frowned and was about to go back to Taehyung's classroom, the bell rang. Jungkook cried and proceeded towards his classroom with heavy footsteps.


It was break time now. Taehyung was wandering into the hallways, he was snickering thinking he has been ignoring Jungkook yesterday as well as today. He loves when Jungkook shows his cuteness as he rarely shows his cute side nowadays but don't think Tae did it to see the bad boy's cuteness, Nope. He had a reason and that reason makes his blood boil as well as makes him sad.

He was in his own thought, when 


Taehyung blushed as he hastily turned around and saw Jungkook rushing towards him with a Blanket?

"AHHHH" Taehyung screamed when he felt Jungkook's body collide into his making them fall on the floor. The black-haired male was on top of the Taehyung as well as the blanket fell over them, cover their bodies."What the heck Jungkook?!?" Taehyung stated as he tried to get up but Jungkook was really heavy."Ssh"Jungkook said placing his fingers on Taehyungs lips.

Jungkook uncovered himself and looked around making sure no one was around them. When he felt like there was no one. He quickly covered them with the blanket."Why are you on top of me and with a blanket covering us?!?!"Taehyung questioned pouting at Jungkook who blew on his nose.

"You were ignoring me so I thought I will trap you with me in a blanket."Jungkooks shrugged off."Wow everyone locks themselves in the room but your dumbass thought about trapping me in a blanket"Taehyung chuckled making his lover pout."Hey, that's the first thing that came to my mind. Anyways why were you ignoring me??" Jungkook asked eagerly.

Taehyung didn't answer instead he was looking at the blanket covering them from head to toe."Aren't you uncomfortable?"The male on the bottom asked."Wait."Jungkook said and leaned his body backwards for a bit before spreading Taehyung's leg open and getting between them.

"Now I'm comfortable."He said with a cheeky smirked making Taehyung blushed and hit his chest in embarrassment."Now, answer me"He ordered playing with Taehyung's hair.

"I saw you that night"Tae spoke making Jungkook stop and look him in the eye."W-what?"Jungkook gulped in nervously when he saw sadness in his lover's eyes.

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