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--Clarke's POV--

I'm back in the forest running again but this time the bald man is chasing me and I slightly recognize my surroundings. I'm running as fast as I can but he keeps getting closer and closer. And then I see the trees that lead up to the bunker. I'm still sprinting as fast as I can but I know I won't be able to run for much longer. As I approach the bunker I feel that same ache I felt when I saw Lexa. 'Lexa' I thought ' failed her, betrayed her, I'm the cause of so much chaos in Tondc. But I did it for my people. I had to save them.' I reached the bunker and I pry the door open. I fall back opening the door. I look into the bunker and I see all those people: the women, children, Warriors but they look dead. They're trying to reach something on the other end of the bunker. I angle my head better and there she is Lexa on the other end of the bunker trying to fight off the dead.

"LEXA" I scream, tears threatening to escape my eyes. This catches her attention but only for her to get bit by one of the dead. She screams out in pain and the tears finally escape my eyes, flowing down my face and there is no stopping them. Soon at least 5 of them are eating at her flesh. I hear the bald man getting close. He's going to get here any second. I'm screaming for her and the world starts shaking causing me to fall into the bunker. The dead notice this and start to make their way over to me. The last thing I see before a horrible pain hits my leg is the bald man's face he's laughing. I look back down and I see them eating at my flash now. I look back over at Lexa and her black blood and organs are everywhere. But she somehow opens her eyes and stands up. I'm still screaming in pain and the only other things I can hear are the dead eating my flesh and the man laughing. Lexa finally made her way over to me and she fell onto her knees right in front of me. Thinking she was going to help me, I looked into her eyes but there was no spark or any sign of life. The next thing I knew she was eating at my flesh too. I should be long dead by now but I'm still conscious and I can feel every little pull on my flesh. The world starts to shake again and I shoot up with tears still flowing down my face, unable to breathe, and my chest tightening. I open my eyes and lookup. I see those green eyes, those calming, beautiful, sparkling, bright forest green eyes. My breathing calms and my chest becomes lighter, but the tears keep flowing. I look away trying to keep myself from doing anything majorly stupid.

"Hey Clarke, it's ok, you're safe now," Lexa says. Putting her hands on my face trying to get me to look back into her eyes. "Hey there is no danger here it's just you and me ok focus on me." I focus back on her eyes but my vision is too blurred to see anything. As she whips the tears off my face and out of my eyes I try to control my breathing as it's still ragged and fast. I can finally see her eyes again and they are watery as if she was also about to cry still whispering reassuring words to me. Once I finally calm down, Lexa's hands are now in her lap and I sit back up onto the bed. We sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes not daring to speak a word. Lexa stands and her mask is back up her stone-cold commander expression displaying on her face. The sight almost made me break again because I remembered what I had done and what I did to Lexa. Things she will never forgive me for.

"There is a meeting tomorrow morning to discuss the reason you all came to the polis." Lexa pauses "This will be the room you stay in during your stay in Polis," she says as she gestures to the room. "If you need anything or anyone there is a guard posted outside your door"

"Thank you, Lexa," I say looking into her eyes hoping for an ounce of hope she doesn't hate me.

"Don't thank me. I will see you in the meeting tomorrow goodbye Clarke" she says in a monotone then turns to exit the room.

"Wait Lexa?" she turns to me

"Yes Clarke," she says, her voice still monotone.

"We should talk sometime soon. You know, catch up with each other."

"We- Maybe..." she says "I will see you tomorrow Clarke get some rest"

"I will...Reshop Heda"

"Goodnight Clarke Griffin"

A/N: holy shit that was wow and that Walking Dead reference with the walkers and Clarke thinks Lexa hates her wha-

What do you think Clarke could have done that could cause her so much trouble and make the Lexa of all people hate Clarke???? Sorry Sorry for the late update I love you all and THANK YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH FOR 9.38K READS IT'S SO CRAZY I NEVER THOUGHT THIS BOOK WOULD GET EVEN 100 READS But seriously tell me yall's opinions? What do yall love? What do yall hate? What could I work on?

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