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--Clarke's POV--

As we approach the meeting room we hear loud yelling. Lexa and I look at each other then back at the door. Madi clings onto my leg in fear. I bend down and pick her up attempting to calm her. I look back at Lexa when we arrive at the meeting room doors, she nods in approval for the guards to open the doors. It's almost as if time slows itself, I hear my heart pounding in my chest, my breath becomes shallow and rugged, and my chest tightens. I attempt to ignore it and make my way to one of the two empty seats. Lexa stands at the head of the table, she raises her hand, and everyone silences. The atmosphere is rigid and I continue to try and calm myself. Thankfully, Lexa must see this and starts talking.

"The skaikru and floukru have come here to warn us of a potential enemy. I do not know much more than you, we must let the skaikru and floukru leaders speak. If anyone interrupts them you can leave." Lexa takes her seat as everyone takes in her words. She then looks between me and Luna with stone-cold eyes, displaying no emotion. Luna and I then stand. The room is quiet, too quiet for comfort. Luna interrupts the very thick silence.

"Floukru has been taken by the mountain and others that we cannot identify. We believe they may have been a mix of Trikru, Sankru, Skaikru, Podakru, and Delfikru. They killed and took control of my people with something they called 'the key'. They killed men, women, children, and they killed Derrek, Shay, Adria..." tears start to form in her eyes. She clears her throat before she continues. "We have left them without transportation. They should be stuck in the floukru village for a few weeks to a month." she pauses again taking a deep breath as her voice starts to crack and fails her for what she says next" We had traveled to skaikru territory because I had heard of their advanced healing. Skaikru helped the few that were left with their injuries. The worse off didn't make it to the nearest trikru village-'' Luna takes a seat knowing she can't talk anymore.

I remove Madi from my lap and stand up before speaking. "We have to be ready for them when they make it off the floukru village. If we don't, I'm not sure we will be able to survive. w-" A man stands as he interrupts.

"Are you threatening us Skai-girl?" he smirks

"Ambassador." Lexa gives him a glare that could kill if she allowed it. "If you are going to interrupt again or question my decision on this matter we must chat in private." the ambassador sits back down calmly, a smirk still firmly planted on his face.

"We believe that the people that made these 'keys' are mountain men. Some of the witnesses also said they heard them talking about a woman in a red dress named Alie." I pause "If we place a blockade along the shore we should be ready for them before they make it to shore." I take my seat, trying my best to calm my heartbeat. Madi sits back onto my lap and hugs me. Lexa looks at me with soft eyes before they harden and she starts talking.

My mind starts to wonder as Lexa speaks. 'How does a child I just met not long ago know how I'm feeling?' 'SHIT I'm going to have to talk to Lexa about the Eilgius. That's gonna go well'

It's not long until everyone in the room starts to disperse. I look over at raven and Octavia asking a silent question for them to take Madi. After they exit I look back to where Lexa was sitting and see Lexa is standing on the balcony overlooking Polis. I make my way towards her before speaking.

"Hey Lexa need to tell you something sometime, like uh- whenever you're free," I speak

"I will have a meeting with Titus mome-" I interrupt



"You can't have a meeting with Titus" her expression stiffens but confusion and concern sparks in her eyes

"And why is that?"

"I- I don't know what to say but uh- you cant trust him...'' I pause as I take a breath. Lexa looks at me, insisting me to continue what I was saying. "A while ago... after- after that day... 5 years ago... He uh- he was thereafter they dragged be away...-"

"That's impossible he was in polis taking care of the night bloods-"

"Lexa please just listen..." she nods understandably. "Ok so... a little while after they dragged me away they pulled the bag off my head. Titus threatened to kill me and you if I ever met you again."

"And you know for sure it was him?"


"And how do I know you're not lying?"

"I- you don't but just trust me, Lexa, please. He's dangerous."

"He couldn't kill me even if he tried" I gave her a look trying to tell her to trust me.

"Fine you can be in the meeting but you can't say a word it shouldn't belong" as if on cue Titus walks into the room. He verbally growls as he glares at me. "After the meeting, we can talk"

---after the meeting---

The meeting was quick, as they did not talk about much besides the plans Lexa exits the meeting room with me trailing closely behind. We finally make it to Lexa's chambers. The guards shut the doors behind us. I stand near the door as Lexa walks through the room. She looks back at me and offers me to take a seat on a couch. My nerves set in as my mind reels through the millions of possible ways she can react. She starts taking her armor off.

"What was it you needed to tell me?" she says coldly

"A little while ago... a ship landed not far from Arkadia we took them in and they are now part of skaikru-'' Lexa almost goes to interrupt me as anger starts to display itself on her face "before you interrupt me let me speak... I didn't tell you because I was scared tit-ass or whatever his name is wouldn't kill you. But you have to believe me they are harmless. All they do is farm at Arkadia.'' I take a breath, readying myself to be yelled at but before Lexa can speak a woman barding through the door.

"Lexa what the fuck was that- um hi who are you?" the woman with dark hair says

A/N: ooooooooooooooo i updated aibvnis thats the first lmao sorry for not updating yall i was reallyyyy grounded lol i still am updates may become more regular. Lol i hope they do. but hey  this update was 1104 words long i think its my longest update yet lol its not even that long.

Who is this woman? Does lexa trust clarke enough? Does lexa believe clarke? Why tf do we still not know what clarke did? Does lexa even know what clarke did?

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