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--3rd person pov--

They made their way other to lexa's tent in silence. They both enter the tent that stand near the entrance just looking at each other not knowing what to say or how start. That stand for minutes maybe hours just looking at each other in comfortable silence. Clarke is the first to speak.

"How's your back? "

"Hurts." Lexa simply says

"Can I treat it I wouldn't want it to get worse?" Lexa nods and walks towards the table breaking eye contact. Lexa sits in the chair. While Clarke collects what she needs to treat lexa's wounds.

"Uh... Can you um.. Go lay down on the bed and I ugh will uh have to uh have acess to your back and stuff? So umm you'll have to take you shirt uh off. " The nervousness very obviously showing in her voice. Lexa does as told and lays on her stomach with nothing but her bottoms and her bindings on. Clarke makes her way over towards Lexa hands shaking vigorously. Ok stop Clarke it's just Lexa  you just treating a patient nothing to it ok so calm the fuck down.  Clarke thinks to herself. Both Clarke and Lexas hearts beating like a drum, Beating uncontrollably.  Clarke looks at Lexa badly be used and cut back in horror.

"Jesus Lexa why didn't you have me treat this sooner you could have gotten and infection. You could have die" Clarke exclaims

"I'm fine Klark" Lexa says in a rehearsing tone. The way Lexa says her name sends shivers shooting down her spine. Why does she have to say my name like that ugh. Clarke shakes her head trying to focus  on the task at hand. Clarke starts treating Lexas wounds being as gentle as she possibly can. The feeling of her hands are lexas back feels like electricity shooting thought her.

"I um... Massaging might help with the healing and it will make you muscles less tense and sore tomorrow. Um would you uh-like got to? "

"That sounds nice" Clarke begins massaging Lexas back getting all the knots out carful not to touch any sore spots. While doing this Lexa is melting into a puddle under Clarke's finger tips. Lexas tries her best not to make any noises as Clarke continues though she miserably fails. Causing Clarke to stop what she's doing and look at Lexa in shock. Lexas face is beet red from embarrassment she buries her face into the furs to try and hide her blush.

"I uh- im... " Clarke pauses trying to get her ability to properly speak. "I'm done you can uh- put your shirt on and stuff. " Clarke says turning around giving Lexa some privacy also while cleaning up. Even though Lexa had her bindings on Clarke was still overwhelmed. Clarke only saw a part of her back yet she was still very overwhelmed. Both their faces still beet red Lexa speaks breaking the silence.

"We should probably talk Klark" Clarke shivers at the sound of Lexas quiet and caring voice. Clarke only nods not turning around afraid of what she might do. Before they go to tondc Clarke was so confident then she curse herself for the sudden nervousness. Clarke is frozen and Lexa can clearly tell. Instead of asking Clarke to face her knowing the girl most likely can't speak. She walks up to Clarke and wraps her arms around the other girls waist. Clarke's breath hitches and she tensesat the sudden contact but only see second later she relaxes and leans into Lexas embrace.  Lexa rests her head on Clarke's shoulder they both are relaxed. They just stand there  silent trying to enjoy the moment. After a few minutes Clarke turns around in Lexa arms facing her again they stand there just looking into each other's eyes trying to find something that tells the other to walk away. But neither find anything Clarke explores Lexas face her eyes landing on Lexas perfect lips. Lexa notices this and bites her lip wanting to see the others girls reaction. To no surprise Clarke's eyes widen slightly and she licks her lips. Clarke moves her gaze back up to Lexas eyes. Not wanting to wait any longer Clarke leans in and presses her lips to Lexas. The kiss was unlike either of them has ever had. The kiss only lasted a few seconds and didn't last as long as both wanted but they were both over joyed smiles plastered on both of their faces.

A/N would you look at they finally kissed and Clarke was so scared (this is the first time I've written in 3rs person for like a year or 2 sooo it's probably bad but I hope you enjoyed)

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