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--Clarke's POV --

I wake up alone and cold I get up and walk outside the tent. I'm walking through the halls of the ark. I immediately stop when I see my dad standing the same as when he was when they floated him right in front of me. Jaha is there along with the rest of the council some guards throw lexa, Raven, Octavia, and Bellamy with my father. I look at my mom she walks over to the control panel and closes the doors. I scream and run over to her trying to stop her from killing all the people I care for. "Why are you doing this mom that's your husband?"

"It's for you honey your father will cause panic. " She says in an almost robotic voice.

"But why Lexa and my friends"

"Because sweety they will hurt you too just like your father. "

"Dad did nothing her was trying to help people!"

"Maybe but he go you into his mess and that got you sent down here and made you fall for a GIRL a girl Clarke for gods sake! What happened to my princess with her prince."

I look at her in disbelief  not knowing what to say.

"So what would you rather me fall for one of Lexa's guards or.... Bellamy" She nods " Oh my god mom bell is practical my brother!"

"Maybe so but they all have or will hurt you I have to do this sweetie." She turn back to the control panel. The guards holding me back keeping me from saving everyone I love. She presses the button and my father, Lexa, Raven, Octavia, and Bellamy are gone floating through space. I run crying I look out a window looking at earth and lexa's lifeless body floats over to the window I scream and cry.

"Clarke wake up. Your sleeping Clarke your ok. " I hear someone say.

I sit up immediately still crying I can't breathe. Lexa has my head in her hands"your ok your alive."

"Yes it's ok Clarke it was just a dream your ok everything is fine." She  says in a calming and worried tone that I have never heard. I look at her straight in the eyes and say

"No nothing is fine Lexa I can't save anyone" I continue to sob. She pulls me into a hug stroking my hair.

"No Clarke it's ok Raven and Octavia are here they are ok we are going to save everyone from the mountain. We will have peace no war nothing." She says in that tone. I sink into her arms and continue to cry. After what felt like years in Lexas arms just crying I check the watch my dad gave me. Its only 2 in the morning.

"Lexa we should get to sleep we have a lot to do tomorrow" She nods and we both lay back down.

"Hey lex?"


"C- can y- can you-"

"Anything Clarke"

"Can you hold me?"

"Of course" She runs over putting her head on my chest her arm draped over my stomach and our legs tangled. I wrap my arms around her and she burns her face into my chest. Which causes me to laugh a little. She looks at me with a confused look.

"I'm ticklish and you're adorable" I whisper still laugh a little. "Sorry Lexa th-"

"It's fine Clarke just sleep you need it" She says snuggleing her head back into my chest.

--Lexas POV--

"I'm ticklish and you're adorable" Clarke whispers with the most beautiful laugh. I turn my head away to find my blushing. Why does Clarke have this affect on me?

A/N: well that was adorable sad angering. Hope you liked it bye bye people enjoy I will try to update soon!!

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