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--3rd person--

Clarke left the room and quickly made her way to her room avoiding as many people as she could. She did not want anyone to see her at the moment. As if on cue her chest got tight and breathing came to a halt as she entered her room. She took a seat on her bed as she gasped for air. It was as if someone was choking her. She the lack of oxygen she started seeing dark figures run around the room. It had only been a few seconds yet it felt like years to her. The mix of her PTSD and an anxiety attack was horrific. This was one of the worst experiences she has had in quite some time. The day she had seen Lexa again we were nothing compared to this. She just wishes she would faint and that all this would stop. It was at that moment when a small black figure ran up to her just like one did that night. It was at that moment she had passed out. Her breathing became normal as her body laid still on the bed.

Raven went to go check on Clarke some time after she had passed out. Raven moved Clarke under the covers (after checking if she was alive) and decided to have Madi with her and Octavia that night and that she was going to check on her in the morning. When raven did Clarke was still passed out. Thankfully they still had a few hours before they needed to get ready to leave and let Clarke sleep.


Lexa had set up for her and everyone who had joined Clarke on to polis, to journey to Arkadia. A place Lexa had not been or seen in years. Lexa and Luna were in the dining hall catching up with one another. Neither had seen the other sense in the conclave so many years ago.

"I was not expecting you to win the conclave strik sis... I was honestly expecting you to be one of the first to die after I left." luna said with a small chuckle

"You always thought so little of me" Lexa smiled remembering the days they had trained. They sat in comfortable silence neither saying a word in the peaceful moment. Sadly the moment was interrupted by someone barging in the door.

"Leska, yu di nou come kom ai chambers last sheidgeda! Yu tel-" (Lexa you did not come to my chambers last night)

"Costia?!" Luna said in shock

"Luna?!" Costia responded the same. They were both confused; they had both thought the other was dead. The room was silent and awkward until Costia remembered why she was here.

"Uh ok, Luna osir laik na don kom talk ba right nau me en Leksa don some talking kom do" (Uh ok luna we are going to have to talk but right now I and Lexa have some talking to do) the rage was radiating off of costia.

"kos bej-" (Cos ple-)

"nou nou kos beja leska" (nope no cos please lexa)

"sis could yu bants osir gon a moment" (sis could you leave us for a moment) Lexa spoke softly. Luna nodded and quietly left the room.

(a/n: imma just make the font different for trig bc I'm tired of translating Costco's conversations)

"Lexa you cant just blockade the whole shore because you think that some blonde girl is telling the truth who even is she"

"That would be the Clarke..." Lexa spoke softly


"Remember how you and I would have chats when you wanted to distract yourself from agenda they were about what I had done during the time you were gone"


"Well, Clarke is the person that I would constantly talk about. The one with the eyes of oceans and a body carved by the spirits." Costia was silent. She was happy to know that her past lover had found someone but it also brought her pain. Costia still had feelings for Lexa knowing now who Lexa was talking about she would never share her feelings.

"Oh... do you still... have feelings for her...?"

"No. she has done terrible things and I don't think she knows that I know." slight relief was brought to costia. Did she still have a chance with her past lover?

--time skip--

Everyone was mounting their horses, getting ready to make the long journey to Arkadia. It's about a two-day trek on horseback. Lexa's guards were packing enough tents for everyone. Within an hour they were ready to leave. Lexa leads the group with two guards by her side, Luna, Clarke with Madi, raven, and Octavia, Indra, Anya, and guards with a wagon carrying their tents.


Once they were out of polis' sight, Costia emerged from stables with her horse. Soon Titus followed. They took a different path towards Arkadia that not many knew about and those that didn't dare to take. This path was crawling with agenda and mountain men. Though they knew they would be safe. They knew everyone who was on this path wouldn't dare to block their path.

A/n: sorry for taking forever to update this and  i will update "Emergency Contact" when i get my phone back bc i cant really make the posts... :)

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