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"She needs medical attention!" I said

"I can't Indra said no one in or out." Said one guard

"Well then let me speak to this Indra person!" I yell

"I'm right here quite yelling sky girl or  I'll put you in there too." Said a familiar voice from behind me. I turn around it's the woman who held a knife to octavias throat

"Let my friends out the commander said that we are to live in Tonedc and that we are only aloud to speak to our assigned guards no one of Tonedc."

"Whatever you say sky girl I will speak to my head first and it's tondc" She growls before she walks away she scowls me

1 hour later

Indra came back after 50 minutes and let Bellamy Raven and octavia out. We got Raven to their 'healer' after about a five minute walk to the tent. After thier healer checked her out they gave her something for the pain and I checked her.

After about 5 minutes of examining i could tell that Raven's leg might not fully recover.  I sat there staring at her for what felt like forever trying to find the words to tell her that she's most likely not ever gonna walk normally again.

"If you gonna keep staring at me you gotta buy me a drink first." Raven said to lighten the mood but I could tell she was worried

"Raven... Y-you might not fully recover. "

"Are you saying that Bellamy broke my leg?" I look at Bellamy confuse and angered

"Wait Bellamy's the one that broke you leg I thought you said it was a grounder? "

"Look Bellamy said that he would go easy on me next time if I never told you anything."

"Bell I'm hoping to beat your ass and there is not going to be a next time." I say with a hint of anger

"What how?" Says Octavia

I made a deal with the commander of we say peaceful we can stay here in tondc but we can't talk to any of the towns people but we can talk to our assigned guard. " I say

"What did you have to do to the commander to get them to let is live?" Raven says with a smug look on her face and willing her eyebrows

"Raven I didn't do anything like that I just talked to her and told her that we mean no harm and that we didn't know that people were alive down here." I say with annoyance in my tone. I look over at Bellamy he looks embarrassed probably hoping I forgot what he did to Raven.

"Hey Bell can I talk to you in private?" I say kinda angrily

"Uh yeah whatever you want princess." He says trying to stay calm but I can tell he's scared. We walk out into the almost empty streets because it's getting dark


"I know I was just trying to survive ok I thought they might kill me if I didnt." He whispers

"You don't break you friends legs
So you can live bellamy. " I say I'm really mad now and I'm pretty sure the whole town can hear me because a few people have come out of there house or tents.

"Look one of the Savages threatened me and said if I didn't break something that he would like me in the next round." He whispers

Still mad I half yell "Bellamy first of all these 'savages' saved our lives from other people second of all that doesn't give you the right to break her leg that badly." He had to have hit it multiple time to get it to break like that.

"Your right I got a little over board but O tryed her best to take care of her and you didn't see it princess we had to fight for our lives while you where doing god knows what with the commander." He half yells but I don't think the town heard although I think lexa heard because we are right next to hers and she is coming out of her tent this is going to get interesting

A/N: haha suprise update i didn't know I was gonna update either but I had time to write today so here you go.

I will update sort of on a schedule like if I don't have to much homework during the week I'll update during the week and I will update on the weekends though if I forget to update on the weekends just comment a reminder of you want and I'll update as soon as I see it thank you guys so much for almost 100 reads it not much but it's still crazy people are even reading this stuff it's not the best writing and I can't spell for crap but thank you so much and stay cool🤩

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