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--Clarke's POV--

It has been almost five years since the last time I saw Lexa. In the first three years, Skaikru made a good living on the ground. We have many Farms, villages, multiple training grounds, and more medical bays. I and Bellamy have gotten really close the past few years. He actually took me out on a little date and we had many more after that. According to Octavia, he is planning on proposing soon but I don't know if I'm ready to be married. Speaking of marriage O and Rae are engaged they finally admitted they had serious feelings for each other last year. Octavia proposed right in front of Rae's workshop. A few weeks later raven proposed to her during their date. Octavia got upset that her proposal wasn't as special as ravens were so she proposed again during their picnic date and it just kept on going for months.

A few months after I last saw Lexa I took the leadership role of skaikru hoping it would take over all my time and overwork my brain forcing me not to think about Lexa. Sadly that didn't work because nothing has happened until about 2 months ago a ship landed on one of our farms late at night. We talked to their leader Diyoza and her daughter Hope. We made a deal with them, they would help and work for us and they got to live and be a part of skaikru. Surprisingly none of the other clans questioned our decision to let them be a part of our clan or live. A few weeks ago we had what was left of Floukru and Louwoda Kliron come to our camp seeking help. They kept saying that the mountain men had come and forced their people to take 'the key to the city of light'.

This matter had me very concerned they said that once someone took the chip they were almost controlled by another being. That they didn't have a mind of their own. There is one 7-year-old girl from Louwoda Kliron, her name is Madi, both her parents were taken by the mountain men, she has really taken a liking to me and never leaves my side.

I have a group of people consisting of me, Floukrus leader Luna, Raven, Octavia, Kane, a few guards, and Madi only because she has panic attacks if I'm not with her. Bellamy and I are having dinner together. I have been trying to convince him to stay because I need him here to take care of skaikru.

"Then why is the little girl going with you, babe? Are you sure you don't want me to go so you won't have to tell Lexa that you love someone else? Are you scared that you won't be able to handle having both me and her in the same room?" Bellamy said harshly. He had been talking like this for the past few minutes and I was getting tired of it.

"You know what Bellamy you can finish eating by yourself I'm gonna go pack." I spat " and don't expect to see me tonight." with that I walked away fuming he had no reason to be mad. I walked for a few minutes and I ended up at Madi's room. I knock on the door and she immediately answers swinging the door open. When she sees it's me she jumps on me causing me to fall to the ground.

"CLARKE!" she yells with joy continuing to hug me.

"Hey Madi, are you ready to leave in the morning? We have to get up before sunrise to leave."

"Yep, I'm allllll packed are you?"

"almost "

"Can you sleep in my room tonight? I don't want nightmares again."

"Of course," I say, still holding her in my arms.

"YAYYYYY" with that I take her to mine and Bellamy's room to pack my things. I then take her back to her room for us to get some sleep before we have to leave. Tomorrow might be the scariest day of my life.

A/N: Its the first time in a long time yall get an update twice in 24 hours 

hehehehehe Thoughts? 🙂

I- 6k reads... I- idk what to say y'all i-🥺💖❤❤🥰🥺💖🥺💖🥺💖😊🥺🥰🥺😊🥰🥺🥰💖


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