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I wake up warm and not fully in reality. With my eyes still closed I go to get up but something is holding me down. I slowly open my eyes adjusting to the light and I see a beautiful brunette. I can't help but smile when I realise Raven was the one holding me down. I lay my head on her chest only to have the furs slide down I snuggle closer burying my head into neck trying to get away from the cold air. I'm about to fall asleep when I hear noises outside the tent. I groan when I hear someone call from outside the tent. I slowly move out of Raven's hold only to regret it immediately. I get up and grab a jacket because it's freezing and call for them to enter. Clarke enters followed by lexa.

"Hey O how you holding up? " Clarke says in a soft tone

"Hey Clarke, Heda" I bow my head to Lexa "Good I guess considering the circumstances" I respond they both nod. Clarke looks at Raven with a sad and worried expression.

"She should be ok she just needs rest."  Clarke nods and turns to me.

"I know your probably tired O but are you up to tell us what you saw. "

"Uh yeah wanna sit"  gesturing to the table. They both nod and we all sit. And I explain everything that happened and what I saw. After they leave and I lay back down next to Raven.

"Thanks for not waking me up" I slightly jump when I hear a raspy voice speak.

"Jesus raven" I say while getting under the furs but I'm still shivering from the cold.

"Come here." Raven says turning towards me opening her arms. I immediately scoot closer to her  snuggling my head into her chest trying to get away from the cold.

"Thanks" I say looking at her with a smile and pull her closer.

I'm to lazy to write what happened and if I can't remember if they were blind folded or anything so let's say they weren't and they say some of the mountain.

--lexa's POV--

Clarke and I are on our way Back to my tent to discuss what we were just told. The streets are almost empty because most of tondc is still asleep. Before I know it we are at my tent I hold the tent flaps open for Clarke. She gives me a small smile and walks in. I don't know what it is about that smile but it gives me this feeling I can't describe. I walk in a few seconds after realizing I was standing there. When I enter Clarke has an even bigger smile on her face.

"Are you ok clarke?" I ask genuinely confused

"Lexa do you know what this means?!" She says ecstatically I give her another confused look. "Lexa this means we can get into the mountain we have a chance if they can escape we can get in think about it. If we go through the tunnel find some kind of door or we could have someone go under cover pretend to be a reaper. You heard her she said the reapers bring people so all we need to do is have someone to prevent to be a reaper and they bring 1 or 2 people with them and then we are in. We would take down their defenses from the inside out." Clarke finally finishes almost out of breath

"That could work Clarke but it's very unlikely we would be able to get inside and be able to escape that's cages."

"But there is still a chance! " Clarke jumps in the air and hugs me  like taken back for a second then I wrap my arms around her holding her tight. The hug lasts what felt like eternity but not long enough. Clarke pulls back with a slight blush and looks at the ground.

A/N: haha look it's finally an update sooooooo sorry it took forever I have sooo much school work and then I have a school sports I'm super busy ik this chapters kinda short I will try to update again soon I hope you liked it. I'm planing on clexa happening soon again I'm soo sorry it took so long I was havin major writes block as well sookkkk yeah that was fun but I will try to update when I have free time to write. I'm not gonna leave this book without an ending. And if I get grounded again that's probably why I won't update for multiple weeks.

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