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Lexa came out of her tent a stared realizing she definitely heard Bellamy. I'm still furious at Bellamy but for some reason when I saw Lexa I started blushing a little.

"That is quite enough for tonight tomorrow you can train and fight it out without killing eachother" She stares at Bellamy with a death glare that could kill he just stood their awkwardly "I will have Anya train you all in the morning after your training Clarke meet me in my tent we should talk." She spoke with authority but when she turned her head to me I could see her eyes had softened slightly.

"Guards hon daun  Skaikru gon emo tents" She says to the men behind her and they immediately took all of us to our tents to sleep. Ravens guard carried her because they didn't want to wait for her to limp around.

I got in my tent which was right next to lexas surprisingly. I changed into some clothes they had set on the table to sleep in and when to bed.


"Clarke wake up" Said a familiar female voice. I slowly open my eyes trying to focus them and I see Lexa on a black night gown sitting on my bed.

"What are you doing her commander?" I say with confusion because it looks the same outside as if I had just got in bed.

"I came to see you Clarke." She said in a soft tone

"Why is their a problem? Did Bellamy do something? Did one of my friends get hurt?" I say really fast

"No nothing like that Clarke. I came here to do this." She said leaning towards me it's almost as if we were on slow motion her lips slowly made their way to mine. Just as we were about to kiss. I jolt up covered in water Lexa no where in site just a woman with an amused look in her eyes but no emotion displaying on her face much like Lexa. As I'm about to ask who she was she said "I am Anya get up put your armor on and join us out side and if you take to long I will come in here and drag you out my self clothes or not." With that she leaves the room leaving me alone k get up and change in to the armor which fit almost perfectly. It must have been a dream Lexa almost kissing me but I can't like her she's the commander of the 12 clans was it. I don't know I just know I'm a nobody to her and she'll never notice I'm here once we get everything with the ark and stuff fixed.

"Clarke!" Octavia yell taking me out of my thoughts. Probably as a warning telling me that Anya was about to come in and beat my ass.

"I'm coming" I yell finishing tying my shoe and walk out the tent just to get a death glare from Anya

"Is Raven coming or is she just going to stay in her tent and relax?" Bellamy says

"She's coming but she's not gonna train or anything after you broke her leg" Octavia says giving him her death glare. Bellamy looks to his feet.


We get to the training area and Anya partners me with Bellamy and shows us the correct stands and tell us what to so. Then the went over to Octavia who was watching and examining us the whole time and copied what she shows us I could tell Anya was surprised but didn't show it. They were practicing with sticks while she had us practice hand to hand probably so we didn't kill each other. When me and Bellamy too a break Raven was staring at Octavia while she was still working with Anya. When I went to sit down and talk to Raven and see how she was doing Lexa came probably to tell us that training was over and that we need to talk though I was hoping I would be able to clean up so I didn't smell like crap.

"Clarke come we must discuss some things." When I heard Lexa say my name I started blushing and I think Raven saw because when Lexa spoke I was facing her. Raven holding in a laugh just said good luck with a wink.

Nothing to interesting yet but y'all are in for a wild ride and thank you so much for almost 200 reads already its crazy and I'll new writing all week so there will be chapters in advance so if I post during the week it's either going to be a boring chapter or I just couldn't wait to post it bc its great. When I finish writing the boom and let's say there we're multiple chapters left I'll post them all. I'm rambling again but pls give me your feed back I could always use ideas for this story bc um writers block sucks but I know how I want to finish this book but I'm not sure how Lexa and Clarke should get together yet so pitch idea

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