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"Raven calling ark station I repeat this is Raven Reyes calling ark station do you copy "

"Raven Reyes this is ark station we copy over" With that I hugged Raven and lexa.

"Omg I'm sorry Lexa I didn't mean to... I-" I say extremely fast but I was interrupted by Lexa

"Clarke it is fine you were excited it happens more often that not" Did she just say that I thought that she would have a problem and like stab me or something.

"Omg Raven is Clarke ok" I heard my mother say. Raven hands me the radio

"Yes mom I am fine we have a lot to discuss"

--1 hour later--

"Ok so your telling me that people are alive... On the ground. "

"Yes mom and you can speak to their leader in a minute but mom these are good people we would be dead if it weren't for them. "

"Ok can I speak to this commander you talk about."

"Yeah she is right here"

"Ok so when you talk press this button and the let go when your done talking and to hear Abby." Raven in forms Lexa she nods

"Hello Abby "

"Hello commander"


"Ok we will try our best to land there and thank you so much commander for allowing us peace." With that Lexa handed me the radio.

"Clarke meet me in my tent when you are done speaking to your mother."

Of course commander" Lexa left the tent leaving me and Raven.

"Mom? "

" Yes I'm here clar-" As Abby was talking she was interrupted by a frequency.

"Mom?... Mom? Raven what the fuck just happened? "

"I-i don't know I think we lost the signal I can get it back ok you go talk to the commander and send Octavia my way if you see her."

"Ok" I left but not without Raven giving me a wink making me slightly blush because of her reason it. As I made my way out of the tent I see Octavia so I walk over to her and tell her that Raven wants her and continue walking to lexas tent. Though I couldn't stop my self from thinking contiplaiting wether or not I should go back to the Ravens tent. I wanted to be able to just talk to my mom but I knew if I stayed and waited that would leave Lexa waiting the commander of the 12 clans totally badass. Ok I need to stop this now before I do something crazy and ruin peace.

Before I new it I was in lexas tent with her back facing me. I was unable to speak nerves surging through my body I went to walk around the table when Lexa spun around her holding a knife to my throat. She quickly took the knife off my throat and into her sheath. She still hadn't stepped back our faces inched away. I explored her expression she was showing emotion on her face. Of course while exploring her expression my eyes focused on her lips I quickly looked her back to her eyes. She was fixed on my lips when she noticed she what was happening she quickly stepped back.

"Uh sorry Clarke I didn't see you come in I thought you were an intruder." Lexa said striding around the tent

" Uh- um.. Yeah sorry I forgot to announce myself what did you want to discuss."

"I want more information on your people and if we are going to fight the mountain we are going to need a fool proof plan nothing like this has ever happened in history we will only get one shot."

"Of course before we discuss may I go change though I still am in my armour front training and I could grab us food on the way back I sure you are hungry you pr-" I was interrupted by Lexa walking toward me

"Of course you can Clarke the armor is not comfortable after training. how about I meet you in your tent because I have something I need to speak to someone and they live right next to the food market." She walked over to the tent entrance and exited with me following behind. I went to my tent to quickly change and clean up a bit.

--Lexas pov--

Love is weakness, Hodnes laik kwelnes, I repeated in my head I didn't actually need to talk to anyone. I just got the food and slowly made my way to Clarkes tent. I have no idea why I told Clarke we could meet in her tent but I did.  She has this affect on my almost like costia but different a lot different. No Lexa stop Hodnes laik kwelnes Hodnes laik kwelnes Hodnes laik kwelnes (love is weakness)

I entered Clarkes tent but not before announcing myself. I set the food on the table. Clarke made her way to the table as I went to her desk to get a chair because the table only had one. On the desk was a open sketchbook with me on it. Before I could do anything I pick it up and can't help but slightly smile.

"Oh uh ummm... Sorry uh... "

"It's beautiful Clarke you have a great talent."

"Yeah it is beautiful" Clarke whispered out loud though I don't think was was supposed to hear it.

"Thank you" I say in a teasing manner what has come over me it's like I have no control over what I say. I turn around grabbing and make my way to the table. I hand her the sketchbook and  She is blushing she's completely red I can't help but smile at that. She looks up at me and blushes even more. We stand there for what felt like hours.

A/N: haha I end it here and 2 in one day I think did I post today idk I'm tired but hey what do u think is gonna happen in the next chapter? Sorry this chapter was kinda boring I didn't know what to do in the beginning but j think it got a little better towards the end.
What do you think is going on with Octavia and Raven? Ignore all spelling errors I cant do that stuff for crap.

Stay cool 🌈❤🥰😘 have a great week most likely a post this week or weekend.!!!!

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