TW: This has mentions of sexual assault and violence.

--Lexa's POV--

I stared at the man dead in the eyes "and why should we trust you?" I say with no emotion displayed on my face or voice.

"Because I have leverage on you both."

"And what would that be?"

"I hold the lives of people you both care for." he turns to Clarke "let's see we have your mother the bell boy, and about half of the arks population, now Raven and Octavia are lucky but not so lucky anymore." Clarke looks at him with a confused face and 2 men emerge from the tree line with large guns as Clarke called them. I and Clarke both turn our heads slightly so we could see raven and Octavia. The two warriors had put gags on them and were dragging them into the tree line.

"And for you commander Lexa you probably are thinking 'who could we possibly have that would force me into a deal with me?' well you probably won't believe me but we have your parents, your first love who you thought was dead; costia, The nigthbloods, your mentor, General Anya, your teacher tit-ass" he pause motioning for the man to hid left towards Clarke. 'Wait what costia cant be alive no that's not possible I saw her head cut clean off her body the way her face was beaten, the way her dark hair mixed with dirt and mud matted together, the way the life in her grey eyes was gone.' The man grabs Clarke bi the arm. I attempt to help her but the other guard points his gun at me but what stops me is Clarke's pleading eyes telling me to not move. 

The guard holds Clarke up to Cage. Cage grabs Clarke's face. "Well now if you don't accept this offer well I could do whatever I would like with her." he looks me in the eyes still holding the blondes face. "And I'm not only talking about torture it would probably very pleasurable for me, although for her it might be the worst torture. And if that doesn't work well we have a bomb pointed at polis that will also take out surrounding villages" it takes everything in my power not to unsheathe my dagger and slit his throat because I know that will get Clarke killed in the process.

"Now for the deal... I want you to let my people of the mountain and our allies alone, we give back the people you love and your little blonde plaything here." he kicks Clarke to her knees. For the first time in my life, I'm frozen in place, unable to more, not from fear but from knowledge knowing how many lives are at stake if I die but most of all how broken Clarke would feel. We may have only known each other for about a month but I would take a bullet for her, hell id even die for her. 

A/N: Ahaha so :) what do yall think? I am just sorry lmao love yall hope you liked it. don't hate me

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