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--Clarke's POV--
"Chomouda are Yu ona Ai hunting lands?" Said the woman with no emotion displayed on her face while holding a knife to Octavia's throat. Confusion rose to my face as I try to comprehend that there are people on the ground. As I'm about to say I have no idea what this woman is saying Raven screams "holy shit there are people on the ground!?"

The woman states again "Chomouda are Yu ona Ai hunting lands?" slightly nicking Octavia's throat with the blade.

"Ok ok we will tell you whatever you want but we have no idea what you are saying! We only know english!"

"Hey I know 5 languages actual" Raven exclaims

"Keep talking Raven if u want us to die" I snap back a Raven trying to keep us alive.

"Plenti!" Yelled the woman

Still having no idea what she's saying we both shut our mouths

"Grab emo an put emo in   hole   heda wants krom speak krom emo." Yelled the woman

Six men come out into the valley and grab me fist when as I try to struggle and I see Bellamy had past out. One of the men hit me in the back of the head and I'm knocked out.

--Hours later-- (stillClarke's POV) --

I wake up with a pain in the back of my neck unable to move I hear multiple voices outside some speaking in English others speaking some other language I don't recognize. I look around I am in an empty tent I try to struggle out of the restraints but it's no use. All the sudden the it is silent until a woman speaks "where is this person you say fell from the sky?"

"Right this way Heda" A man speaks. The flaps to my tent open and a young, tall woman with long brown hair, a jawline that would cut you, and what looks like a lot of power over these newfound people.

"Who are you people? And where are my friends?" I ask

"I'll be asking the questions here." She said in a stern tone. I keep quiet to keep myself from getting killed because the way one of her guard's is looking at me is a look at her in the wrong way I'm dead. She stares at me trying to intimidate but I don't break eye contact until she speaks which felt like hours.

"Ban op yumi" (Leave us)

"Sha Heda" Her guards leave

"Who are you?" I state staring right into her eyes

"The bigger question is who are you?"

"My name is Clarke Griffin and if your mad that we intruded your land we had no idea people were alive down here"

"Ok Clarke why are you here? what are your intentions?"

"I was sent down here against my own will to see of earth was survivable because where I used to love in space is running out of air and all my friends and family are dying."

"And why do you have a weapon of the mountain?" She holds up my pistol I had forgotten I had

"Wait the mountain you mean mount weather there are people there too how many people survived the bombs!" She grips the knife on her side. " Oh right the question sorry I got that weapon from where I used to live in space on the ark they gave it to us I think so we could hunt or something I'm not exactly sure." She looks at me with a glare that would probably break most people but I think my mom's glare is a lot more intimidating.

"You would attempt to hunt with this loud thing" She says with amusement in her voice that gives me butterflies what is wrong with me this woman is threatening to kill me and I'm getting butterflies from her voice

"Do you pose any threat to us?"

"No we just want to live because like I said we were sent here without any say if we wanted to."

" I will take your word on that but if any of you look at one of my people the wrong way you are all dead you will be able to eat at dinner and you will each get a tent but you are not to leave tondc or speak to any of my people except you specified guard. Is that clear."

"Yes Heda" I say she looks at me with a blank expression but I can tell she is suprised my mom taught me how to tell how someone feels through their eyes. We sit there continuing to stare into eachothers eyes. She looks at me more intensely griping her knife and starts moving closer to me.

A/N: ok just ignore all my spelling errors I can't spell for crap and autocorrect is amazing right and when I was writing this the clexa theme starts playing and a song from a clexa edit and I'm watching the 10p with my mom and she's on season 6 and an image of lexa came up when clarke was in her mind in her cell with all her drawing and lexa so yeah that was fun and I started crying but yeah finally met Heda idk how long imma make this story but we will see this one is a bit longer the the others but thank you all for reading even if it's only like 2 people it is still some motivation thank you and stay awesome

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