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(a/N: ik its kinda short ive been super busy lately and when i get my phone back i should be able to update 'Emergency Contact')

--Bellamy's pov-- (italics are thoughts ig lmao)

It had only been a few days since Clarke had left. Even though I know that the trek to polis is around 2 days but I still worry. What if she got hurt? Or maybe she's with Lexa... no Bellamy you cant think that Clarke is loyal she always has been... but what if she doesn't want to marry me....? I think it's best if I plan something for her when she gets back a huge gesture....

I spent the majority of the afternoon planning my second proposal for Clarke.

I was on early morning watch when I saw 2 people riding on horses not far from the Arkadia tree line. It is likely nothing seeming as we are all at peace but to this day I still don't trust these people. Lincoln has become one of Octavia's best friends but there is just something about them. They just act a certain way and think a certain way, they are savages. I have gathered more people who feel the same. We have almost a quarter of Arkadia. We are finally starting to plan out how we are going to take over all of the sky clan. I know that Kane will not go lightly, and Clarke will never accept it. I've been trying to butter her up but I know that isn't going to do much. Getting away from these savages. We can never be safe with them watching over us.

It was about midday and Nathan's boyfriend Bryan was on watch. I had just sat down to take a nap when the radio went off.

"Bellamy... you might want to come to the gate... like now we have a little problem..."

"Alright ill be there in a minute" with that I got up from my bed as I groaned I grabbed my guard jacket and left mine and Clarke's room. When I made it to the front gate I yelled to Bryan. "What's the problem, Bryan?"

"Uh, you might want to see for yourself man" he gestures for me to climb up. I do and when I get there I see something unexpected. Multiple grounders are surrounding Clarke and everyone that left with her. But what was even more surprising, the commander was with them. It seemed as though they were all caught in a conversation as the commander's face was frozen and eyes glued to the door.

"Just open the gates for them Bryan there is nothing else we can do they have our friends," I say in a bored tone. Bryan does just as I say, pulling the lever and opens the gate. (a/n that's supposed to be Clarke's job :( !!) 

(honestly at this point imm just finish this and then like rewrite it with a better storyline bc i feel like there are alot of plot holes lmaoo)

i hope you liked this update  :) love yall

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