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--Clarke's POV--

As I was kicked to my knees I felt a stab at my arm and I heard ruffling in the trees. My eyes still on Lexa, she was frozen in place unable to move I could see the fear in her eyes. Cage continues "Now that the treats are out of the way," He says with an amused tone then turns serious "for all your different options. option number 1 and the option you are least likely to choose though it would be best for your people. You kill Clarke and all of skaikru and the mountain men will live in peace with the 12 clans. Option number 2 you can't attack us, Clarke get so live but you can never see her again, and you can have that little brat Costia back. Option 3 again you can't attack us Clarke gets to live but you can't see her but you get your parents back instead of Costa. And finally option number 4 you try and kill me right now and I'll have the men in the trees shoot you and Clarke. You will both die along with both of your clans." He claps his hands "now it is your choice but I am giving you 1 minute to make a decision and if you don't well I'll just have to go with option 4 for you. And your time starts... now"

I can see Lexa's struggle she needs to do what is best for her people at the moment but I also think she doesn't want to kill skaikru. Knowing Lexa she will go with the best option for her people I wouldn't blame her either I would most likely do the same. A few seconds past Lexa still hasn't made a decision. "You have 10 seconds," Cage says. About 5 seconds pass and Lexa still hasn't made a decision. Cage is about to have his men shoot when Lexa finally speaks

"Option 2 Clarke gets to live, we ignore each other, and I get Costa back"

"Good choice but why not option one it is the one best for your people"

"Because skaikru and Clarke are my people"

He waves his hand and a bag gets put over my head. I get lifted onto a horse.

"Wait can I at least say goodbye to her?"

"Fine you have 1 minute"

The bag gets taken off my head. I see Lexa next to me on the side of the small horse. She holds my face, I can see tears threatening to leave her eyes as mine do the same.

"Hey it's ok you will live a happy life without me move on be happy. Ok?" Lexa says tears start rolling down my cheeks.

"I'm gonna miss you even if I've only known you for like a month"

"I just want you to be happy ok? Find a new partner bc happy gets married live in peace. "

"I- I can't do that Lexa"

"Yes you can and yes you will" I was about to respond when I was interrupted but Cage

"Alright times up " A bag gets put back over my head and the horse starts moving I can hear Lexa talking to Cage but her voice slowly fades away into the distance. I continue to cry. That might have been the last time I see Lexa. 

A/N: hehehehe sorry


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