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As I entered lexas tent it was huge. She had a thrown with perfectly carved canes sticking out at the top at the entrance of her tent. As I continued to follow Lexa to the table at the side of the tent a heat wave hit me probably from the 100 candles she has lit. The candles giveing Lexa a perfect glow. my hands itching to draw the perfect site in front of me. She looks so beautiful I just want to... No Clarke don't she's the commander of 12 clans you can't be thinking about that with her anyone but her she would never think of you that way your just a small problem she's here to deal with and plus she's probably straight. I must have been stuck in my thoughts for a while because Lexa was walking towards me. She was probably trying to get my attention before and I can't hear crap when I'm in my thoughts. After getting stuck in my thoughts again I was awoken but by a hand on my shoulder.

"Clarke are you ok? Do you need me to get a healer?" She said with the slightest emotion in her voice that made me melt. I was definitely staring at her for way to long.

"Oh uh ummm... Yeah no I'm just a little tired because the training and Anya woke me up with a bucket of water and I having a great dream.... Uh umm." Shit I'm rambling I so fucking nervous

"Ah yes I remember when Anya used to wake me up like that and the training is tiring if you are out of practice or in your situation your first day of training." Thank god she didn't ask about the dream people on the ark do that all the time. Especially my mom when  I was questioning. Thankfully I had Raven we were sorda close as kids. We were the only two in our grade that were questioning and she had family issues and I would sneak her into my sleeping unit sometimes.

After that we discussed where the ark will land and land they will own when Raven gets in contact with them. While Lexa was talking I couldn't help but try and catch glances at her the light still giving her a perfect glow.

--2 hours later --

"Clarke do you think that the ark will respect me and the other clans? Because from what you are telling me they might not." She said

"I feel they will though some might not like it I know my mom will want peace and my mom has power."


"Why do you fear what they are capable of or are you curious or something else." She was hesitant for a second but responded with "Just want to know more information on a potential enemy."

"Oh." Was all I said the thought of fighting Lexa makes me sad I don't know why but I like being around her.

"Don't worry Clarke if they are smart they won't fight."she said trying to rehearse me though she probably thinks I'm sad because my people might die though I am upset about that.

Lexa walked over to a flap in the tent.


"Yes lexa" I said I think I was blushing a little still her saying my name then I noticed she turned around. Then I noticed what I said "oh my god I'm sorry commander I didn't mean to it just slipped out I won't do it again." I said trying to keep us alive. She just looked at me we stood there silent. For a little just looking at each other for almost a minute. Then Lexa broke the silence and said "It's fine Clarke you can say my name I give you permission it doesn't bother me." I just nodded smiling a bit.

"We should eat dinner is starting."

"Umm yeah is there anything else I could do to help or anything." Why am I so nervous

"Not at the moment though would you like to eat with me we should continue discussing other issues that might come up and I could tell you more about the my people." She said very slightly smiling

I replied very quickly "yes of course"

"Good I'll tell a guard to get us food." She left the tent leaving me alone. So I decided to explore her tent it was huge. I was in her tent for about 2 minutes and when she came back of course I had to be right next to her bed. She set the food on the table.

"Sorry for the wait Clarke there was a fight and my guards had to handle it so I got the food." She said still not noticing I was by her bed I tried to walk away from it but I was to late she had caught me. I don't know why I'm so embarrassed that I'm next to her bed my cheeks are definitely bright red.

"Are you ok Clarke?" She said looking at me confused but I can also tell she's a little amused.

"Uh umm yeah.. I'm fine uh.. Just looking around why?" She started to walk closer to me I just froze in place

"Because you face is very red." She said smiling and put her hand on my head I stared blushing more if that's even possible at this point. She's probably just doing it to see of I was warm or something.  I this point I could barely talk the fact that she's touching me what is wrong with me I've only known her for like 3 days.

"Oh um its just um it's a little warm in here that's all."

"Ok well we should eat you haven't eat all day."

"How did you know that?"

"I have a guard track all of you and your stomach is grumbling." I didn't hear my own stomach because Lexa is so close to me. What is wrong with me I need to stop this.

"Oh yeah" I said with an awkwardly laughing a little. We walked over to the table and ate and continued out conversation until I left to go to sleep because from what Lexa said tomorrows training is gonna be tough because I'm gonna be extremely sore.

A/N: hahaha Clarke is sooooo whipped !!! How do you think Lexa feels rn? What do you think is gonna happen with the ark are they gonna be peaceful or not? And what do you think about octaven how long do you think it will take them to get together. Also this chapters a little longer hope you liked it. Stay cool have a great week end.!!!

Ignore all spelling mistakes and stuff.

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