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As the woman comes closer to me with her knife I can't help but become a little bit afraid she took a quick understanding to us it's very unlikely she trusts us. It is most likely a test to see how to interact with her people. As she nears me she cuts the rope that was riding me to a pole in the middle of the tent.

"Thank you I know you don't trust us and neither do I because we just met but I think we can come to an understanding on how we can live in peace once all my people come down from space. We mean no harm we just want peace."

"That sounds nice but unlikely due to the many threats of the ground" I look at her in confusing what threats? Are there more people than this group? How many people survived the bombs? How long has earth been survivable?

"Maybe my people would be able to help with that we have advanced weapons."

"You have weapons of the mountain it would level the feild make war easier and we might be able to take down the mountain but what about the acid fog that could come at any moment it surrounds the lands of the mountain often" The woman whispers to her self I don't think she notices that she is saying this out loud.

"Sorry to inturupt but is your name Heda what will I call you if I need you." I ask

"I am lexa kom trikru commander of the 12 clans" She says with her hands behind her back and her head up high

"Ok um... Idk what half of that ment but I'm guessing your name is lexa?" I say very confused because I have no idea what any of that was

"You address my as Heda or Commander unless I say otherwise." She says with slight anger in her tone

"Yes Heda now can I see my friends please"

"Yes I will have a guard escort you to the pit where they have been for the past 2 days"

"I was asleep for 2 days"

"Yes one of our healers had given you something to keep you asleep until I got here."

"Thank you for putting even this little amount of trust in us"

"I am merely just keeping you from our enemies that will either us you against us or kill you on sight."

"You are still saving us and our people." She nods

"Goch op kom op hon daun Klark  gon em kru!"  The guards come in the room and escorted me to my friends.

"Clarke is that you?" Said a familiar female voice I look over into the pit I think that's what they called it I could see Bellamy, octavia and some in the shadow which had to be Raven

"Yes are you ok? Is that you raven?"

"Yes it is the youngest zero-g mechanic for 52 years. And I'm just peachy can't move my leg tho." She said weakly

"What the hell happened you raven?"

"They had us fight eachother and some  of the grounders. One of them broke my leg and I can't move it at all."

"Let me in there she needs medical attention!"

"I can't Indra said no one in or out."

A/N sorry for not posting yesterday I will try to make the next chapter longer and maybe some more interesting stuff getting a little busy bc I'm about to start school and next week I might not post as often if so I will post once or twice a week I will try to make a schedule and stuff and now I'm rambling but yeah let me know what you want more ranya or octaven ok bye now thanks for reading it means a lot 

ignore all the spelling error and stuff  I can't spell and autocorrect is annoying

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