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--Octavias POV--

We have been stuck her for what i think is about a week. They are bleeding us and others but it's almost like they like to mess with us more. I have heard a few of the guards saying that the ark landed and that they are working with the commander. Is giving me some hope that maybe I'll get out of here and maybe I'll be able to tell Raven how I feel.

"Hey O you ok? You look like your in another world over there. " Raven said weakly

"Uh.. Yeah just thinking how long do you think till they ki-" I was interrupted by 3 guards coming in and taking bell Raven and I to another room with about 50 cages or more.

"Who was last bled? " Said a woman

"The boy"

" Ok I'll take this one. " She says as she points to Raven. No no I need to do something they can kill Raven. I start banging and screaming.

"No take me instead! Leave her alone!"

"No this one" They took me over to a table and striped me onto it.


--Clarkes POV--

It's been a little over a week since my friends have gone missing we are building a protective wall around alpha station and assigning everyone job. People are going missing everyday almost 3 or 4 a day. And my mom went outside the wall to get some air after she lost a kid and she hasn't come back since. I'm getting worried and I think Lexa can see that.

"Clarke you need to rest."

"I'll rest when I find my friends and we defeat the mountain."

"There is nothing you can do right now we meet with the war generals tomorrow morning rest you do you people no good if you are tired clarke."

"Your right."

"You can stay here tonight. It is dark."

"No it's fine my tent is just inside the wall"

"Where people have been disappearing"

"Ok fine but that means your getting rest too."

"Deal" She said with a small smile. She made her way over to her bed and grabbed a few things. I made my way over to her couch and went to lay down.

"Clarke you can take the bed."

"No it's your bed you have it"

"Clarke the couch is harder than a rock."

"Fine but your not sleeping on there we can share... If youre fine with fat of course. " I say nervously


We layed down on the bed I couldn't sleep with her so close to me. It's been maybe 2 hours and Lexa is sound asleep. She's so beautiful and peac... Omg omg omg she's touching me! I put my arm around her. Omg she's pulling me closer I can aaaahhhhh... Omg Clarke stop calm down just try to sleep. Ok but the commander is a cuddler that's adorable. She looks so cute and calm. I relaxed and I fell asleep quickly after that.

I woke up Lexa still asleep she looked so peaceful. I look over and I see my drawing supplies. I slipped out of her arms and grabbed it with a chair. I sat there and just drew Lexa until she started stiring a little bit. I quickly got up moving the chair to the table and just stared at the table. I could hear her get up and walk over to me.

"Morning lexa"

"Morning Clarke" She said as she put her armor on. I remembered the drawing was next to the bed on a side table. I turned around to grab it but it was to late Lexa had it in her hand.

"Oh.. Uh... That's not finished yet."

"Your a great artist Clarke if you come to polis with me they have the best art supplies"

"Thanks. I might have to take you up on that." She looked at me confused "it means I'll most likely go with you." She smiled a small one but it made me smile

"What time is it?"

"Um it looks like it's almost time for the war meeting. "

--lexas POV--last night--

We got into the bed and I couldn't sleep it's been a while. I think Clarke has been alseep for a while. Without thinking I rolled over and I was curled up next to Clarke she stiffened at first then she put her arms around me.   I pulled her closer trying to get away from the cold. What are you doing Lexa? I thought to myself how bed this could have gone and what would she do if we woke up like this but soon I fell asleep into a deep rest. Probably the best sleep I have had in a while.

A/N: ok sooooo that happened aaahhh.  What do you think will happen with mountain? How long till they kiss? How long till octaven? What is gonna happen with the ark? Ok bye bye enjoy👍👍

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