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a/n: imagine that is Madi not Clarke lmao

--3rd person--

Clarke tosses and turns in the furs, unable to stop thinking about Lexa and the conversation they had. A voice in her head speaks as she overthinks. 'Does she hate me?'

'How bad did I make the situation?'

'why was her voice monotone?'

'Why does she have her walls up like I'm an enemy?' a second voice in my head speaks

' you know why she hates you!'

'you are her enemy!'

'she never loved you!'

'you just make her weak!'

'cage should have killed you when he had the chance!' the moment she hears those words she remembers that night. That man. The man that was in the war room today. He's in the building.

"He's going to kill Lexa!'' just as she speaks out loud, she hears a crack coming from outside her room. She jumps out of bed and runs to the door predicting it might be a threat but only to find Madi surprisingly followed by Lexa.

"Clarke! You're ok!"

"Yeah I am... what are you both doing here? Clarke says the last part turns to Lexa. Her jaw tense but only slightly.

"Madi was wondering where you were... and it's only about half an hour until the meeting" she speaks void of emotion. Madi sneaks around them both into Clarke's room with neither Clarke nor Lexa noticing.

"How are you feeling?" Lexa says still in monotone.

"I am ok..." suddenly madi jumps onto Clarke's back causing her to stumble slightly. Lexa grabs a hold of Clarke, stabilizing her. Madi then puts her arms out to Lexa asking a silent question for Lexa to pick her up from Clarke's back. Lexa complies with the questions and picks her up, setting her on her hip for support. Clarke just admires the interaction and is surprised how well Lexa is with children. Madi laughs and Lexa has a hint of a smile displaying on her lips.

"The commander is just like you told me, Clarke!" Madi says as she hugs Lexa tightly. Clake had only known Madi for a short amount of time but Clarke had shared the story of her first time on the ground leaving the parts that hurt Clarke the most. Lexa stands, a hint of a smile playing at her lips with Madi still clinging tightly to her. A wide smile appears on Clarke's lips; a smile that has not been seen by anyone for many years.

"No raven don't you dare" a voice whispers from down the hall, almost inaudible to Clarke and Lexa. "the moment is too cute. I will have you sleep on the floor if you go over there"

"I know but the meeting is in 20 minutes and I want to go blow things up already."

"How long has it been since you saw Clarke smile like that hmmm?" Octavia's voice whispers.

"I- I don't know like five years..." raven says with her face softening. Lexa could hear the last of their conversation and turned to Clarke, her face softening. Clarke had not heard them. Lexa senses this and decides it's best not to press on the matter now.

Although many had a death grip on Lexa she slightly slips down the Lexa hip so Lexa readjusts her.."We should uh- we should get to that meeting... Are you ready for the meeting?" Lexa looks at Clarke up and down. Clarke was still in her nightgown. Both Clarke and Lexa's cheeks warm.

"Oh right.. Um... I can be ready in 5 minutes...?"

"Ok I'll be in my quarters just down the hall with the two guards outside," they say their goodbyes, and Clarke heads to her room and Lexa to raven and Octavia with Madi still clinging to Lexa.

"Octavia, Raven."

"Commander," they both say in unison

"We must talk later" ravens eyes widen realizing that she probably heard them

"Of course commander," Octavia says in her 'warrior tone' as raven calls it. And Lexa heads back to her chambers.


The meeting is ten minutes from now and Lexa and Madi are in the commander's chambers. They were sitting at Lexa's desk. Madi decided she wanted to try on some war paint because Lexa had been putting hers on. Madi had wanted a black and blue war paint. She couldn't decide on what to do and she wanted something like Lexa and Clarke's. So to help her decide, Lexa gave her the option of a combination of the two. As Lexa was about to finish Madi's paint there was a knock on the door. Lexa stood up from in front of Madi.

"Min op" (enter) Clarke enters the room and is surprised to see the art on Madi's face.

"Hello Clarke"

"Hei Heda"

"Clarke!" Madi screams. Running over to Clarke and jumping in her arms. "Look what the commander did," she says pointing at her face

"It's beautiful Madi"

"Yeah, it's kohl. She did a combination of yours and hers because I couldn't choose which one to do andddddd you and Lexa are my favoriteee people '' this brings that same smile to Clarke and Lexa's face.

"Well, you might want Lexa to finish it before the meeting" when Clarke says that Madi jumps out of her arms. She runs back over to the chair she had been sitting in, she grabs the cup she had with a smile on her face. Clarke and Lexa both smile as they lock eyes, time seems to stop in the moment. Clarke swears she could stare into Lexa's enchanting eyes forever but the moment is interrupted with Madi's squeal of laughter and joy. Lexa finishes up Madi's warpaint and they make their way to the meeting.

A/N: sorry for the super late update school is getting stressful and stuff i tried to make this update longer than usual.

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