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--Lexa's POV--


As I walk into the halls of my tower in Polis, I feel sadness and guilt wash over me. Costia, Titus, and Anya all trail behind me. I needed to cry, to get my anger out."Lexa I know that look..." said Costia's soft voice. I tried my hardest not to snap but I couldn't hold my anger, my regret any longer.

"NO! NO YOU DON'T COSTIA! YOU DON'T KNOW ME ANYMORE! YOU DON'T GET TO KNOW ME ANYMORE! I thought you were dead for years. I looked for you. I went to war! Just to try and find you! AND YOU'RE GOING TO TRY AND TELL ME THAT YOU KNOW ME THAT YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL. What we had was beautiful but it was childish. We barely knew each other." At this point both me and Costia have tears rolling down our cheeks.

 "I'm sorry..." I walked to my chambers, locked the doors, and just sobbed, still in my full armor.


Everything has been calm and quiet for the past few years. Nothing serious has happened, just a few little things here and there. I,  Anya, and Costia have become good friends just like when we were younger. I'm in the war room waiting for a visitor. I have not been informed who or what is coming through the doors but something about it is familiar. There is a certain tug pulling me closer to whatever is on the other side of the doors.

"They are here Heda," one of my guards say

"Enter" is all I say before the doors open and I see those blonde curls.

A/N: sorry for the short chapter covid is an asshole and i was crying while writing this bc i listened to clexa edits and crap while watching this im scared


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