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Credits of art go to whoever made it(I could find them)

--Clarkes POV--

As I slowly pulled away I just stared at Lexa unable to form words. I just smiled like an idiot. Lexas hand still on my cheek her thumb slowly caressing the skin sending shivers down my spine. My heart was beating out of my chest. All my conference had disappearred the moment I entered the tent. Eyes still locked Lexa pulls away then breaks eye contact she goes to walk away. Clarke do something she probably thinks you didn't want it! Everything in me knew how badly I've been wanting to kiss lexa. I quickly grab lexas arm before she can walk away. I pull her close our faces less than 2 inches apart. I could feel her breath on my face. Shes shaking her breath ragged. She's scared. I lean in and kiss her this time we don't pull apart till air was very much needed. I lean my forehead to hers I just stare into her eyes. We stand there for minutes until Lexa speaks.

"I- this.. This isn't a good idea" My heart shattered. Tears already threatening to escape.

"W-What? B-but why?" My voice broken I'm bearly able to speak. I should have known this would happen she the commander for gods sake.

"We just can't Clarke. I don't want you to get hurt. " She wipes the tears that had escaped my eyes.

"Please Lexa. Can we at least try us? I don't know if I can handle losing anyone else." She continues wiping the wiping the tears coming from my eyes.

"Clarke it will make you a target. You will be in much danger. Clarke you could get hurt. I can't risk that. " She says I look into her eyes once again pleading. "Though it is your choice. I just want you to know it will put you and also I in danger. " I nod. Lean in again capturing her lips putting as much emotion into the kiss to tell her my answer. To tell her I want this to tell her I want an us tell her I'm not scared of getting hurt. When we pull apart I rest my head on hers.

"Are you sure clarke? " She says with a soft worrisome tone and tears in her  eyes. I nod and lean in once more for a tender kiss.

A/N:SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO   ikkkkk it's short but.... They kissed annnnnnddddd together? I honestly don't really know yet but I'mma get this story moving and intoduce more characters and stuff and a lot if FLUFF!!!

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