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As Clarke is running through the forest, alone. It's silent and dark. Besides those torturous that echo in her mind "you must keep from the commander" said the voice of a tall bald man."If you come near the commander I will kill your clan, maybe even the commander herself."

That same feeling settles in her chest as when she had to make my decisions after Lexa's. "Kill""Save" "trade lives" those same words repeat in her mind as she continues to run. She doesn't even know where or how she got there. Though it has only been one minute, Clarke feels she has been running for hours. As she keeps running she becomes sloppy running with no purpose not looking where she's going. She is abruptly stopped by a tall figure, falling to the ground. When she looks up her deep ocean eyes crash with bright forest ones. Tears threaten to escape her eyes in the instant. Her breath becomes ragged and labored.

"I'm sorry Lexa I- I never wanted to- I- I just did what was best for my people as you did," Clarke says now sobbing.

"Clarke," says a young voice.

"I trusted you, Clarke," said her green-eyed ex-lover

"Clarke" again said the small voice

"You betrayed me..."

"Clarke wake up"

"Broke my heart" she unsheaths her sword.


"And the pain won't go away until you're gone" she swings her sword.

--Clarke's POV--

All of a sudden I am on the metal ground of the ark. I groan

"Clarke are you okay? You were screaming and panicking in your sleep." Madi says I get off the ground.

"Yeah sorry, Madi I just had a bad dream are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm ok. We have to leave soon"

"Okay, do you have all your things?"

"Yeah everyone is already outside ready to leave"

"Okay then let's get moving," I say with a sad smile. We grab our things and make our way out of the ark. Once we join the group we put our things in the car. I see Bellamy watching from his post. I helped Madi onto our horse. I finish situating Madi and turn around, I see Bellamy on one knee. He starts speaking but I don't hear anything. (a/n: I'm too lazy to write a love speech by Bellamy)

"So Clarke, will you marry me?

"I- "I look around and everyone is staring at us. I can't do this right now. I can't make a decision like this when I'm about to leave. " bell I might not come back i- if I come back I'll tell you okay? I want to be able to celebrate this." I say tears in my eyes. I see tears in his eyes, he's about to cry. I help him up and give him a hug kissing him on the cheek.

"I'll see you in a few weeks ok" I whisper in his ear. He nods and walks away without a word. He goes to his post looking pissed. I get on the horse with Madi. once everyone is on their horse we left riding towards Polis.

A/N: Sorry... hehehehe love you😘

Hey this is the authors friend :

"i fucked your mom"😏

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