--Clarke's POV--

"Then we all die"

Raven nodded he head

"Ok so then Octavia and Bellamy take storage of what we have raven work on the radio with what you can and then we'll sleep to calm our nerves and pass the time if the fog is still there." I stated they all nodded knowing there was nothing we could do


About 12 hours later I wake up to Raven and Octavia screaming that the fog had cleared. Bellamy still asleep Octavia went try and wake him up but the he was still sleeping so even when over to him can kicked him hard right in the crouch. He howled in pain Raven Octavia and I all laughed. Raven went to open the door and Bellamy States still in pain "is it safe yet? Is the fog gone yet?" Octavia giggled at how obvious her brother was while staring at the trees in front of them. Raven opened the doors and Octavia ran out in joy.

While getting out of the pod I remember what my mom had said mant years ago that there was a mountain with enough supplies to feed hundreds. I grabbed the map I had seen in one of the crates before trying to find out where we were.

A few minutes passed and I found out that we are not far at all from the mountain.  I went over to Bellamy who was sitting on a fallen tree.

"Hey Bellamy we should get going I found out where we were the mountain should only be a 6 hour walk" I said

"Come on princess have some fun for once we are free." He responded

"If you don't want to starve or freeze to death them go ahead." I stated quickly "Raven Octavia grab what you can we need to get to that mountain!" I yelled

Bellamy looked at me with annoyance in his eyes and nodded grabbing what he could.

When Bellamy left to grab what he could for a second I thought I saw someone. Before we left I went to check to see if there was any sign of someone but there was nothing.

We all started our walk to the mountain. I had a feeling we were being watched but knowing me I'm probably just paranoid.

After about 2 hours we made out way to a river. We all set our stuff down the sun was starting so set we all take a break and just sit and drink from the river.

Before I could say anything Octavia is striping her clothes and jumps into the water. Bellamy yells at her about to jump in but I stop him because non of us know how to swim. Then Octavia stands in the water Bellamy relaxs for a second as Raven was about to get in to I stop her as I see something making its way to Octavia.

Bellamy screams at Octavia " O, get out of the water now something is coming for you." Octavia tryed to make her way out of the water but before she can get out the creature pulls her under water.

A/N: let me know what you guys think should I keep writing I have some plans for this story let me know what I need work on this is my first book.

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