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A/n: thought this was painful sonic used it.... HOW DID I NOT RELIZE THIS BEFOREEE SMH

--Lexa POV--

The ride was quiet until Raven Octavia and madi started up. After some time Clarke joined in. Hearing their joy and laughter confused me. How could they be so happy when there is danger sitting right outside our land. When we arrive at the gate of Arkadia it stays closed until I see Bellamy talk to the boy in the tower. They finally open the gate. The horses walk forward and I ride to the front of the group. All eyes are glued to me. I keep a stotic expression. Bellamy Kane and Abby walk up the me they welcome us and invite us to stay. I kindly decline them before tell them what I am here for Bellamy walks off with a bored expression walking over to Clarke who is still caught up in conversation. 

"I need to see the elligus ship people. The ones that landed here not long ago." I say. 

"Of course. Would you like me to get them all into the dinning Hall or would you just like for them to crowd around here?" Kane asks 

"Here is fine." He nods and walks off. It's mostly quiet besides the laughs of children and Raven, Octavia, Madi, and Clarke.  It makes me question how oblivious these people are to the dangers they are in with such people being their leaders. 

"It's nice to see you commander" Speaks Addy pulling me from my thoughts 

"Same to you" I say blankly. 

"We should chat sometime, commander.. Privately." 

"If you wish, Abby. But it would likely not be a long chat." I say with my eyes searching the camp for any dangers. In that moment I notice that Clarke and the Blake boy are missing. 

"Understandable," She says sweetly. Just then Kane walks up with many people behind him. Men. Women. Children. And others.  Kane then walks only a small platform near the watchtower. Just then everyone goes silent. Like a ghost town.  

"As you may have heard the commander would like to speak to you all." Kane announces then turns to me a small smile pulling to his lips.

Still on my dark horse I speak letting my voice boom through the camp. 

"People from the Elligus Ship. I am the commander of the 11 clans. I have recently been informed of your presence. I wanted to warn you of what would happen if you were to start something within the clans. The alliance between the collision and skaikru is already thin. And at the moment we have many enemies. Both skaikru and all the other clans. Lastly if the leader of the Eligius would step forward I would like to have a conversation with you, Kane, Abby, and Clarke." As I finish, a fairly tall woman steps forward. Her expression was cold. I could tell she has seen pain and suffering. I could also tell that she has done terrible things. I give her a nod. "At ease" The crowd disperses and goes back to working and playing.

I dismount my horse. One of the skaikru takes her to the stables. I follow Kane Abby and the woman from Eligius to what I assume is their war room.  When the door closes I turn to Abby. "And Clarke? " 

"I had Octavia go find her

A/n:....... hi bestiessss its been a while.... like 2 months a while....but hey here's a short and probably terribly  written update bc itd written on my phone bc my laptop is dead😝🤪

I love y'all so much thank you for almost 25k?!?!?!?!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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