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--Raven POV--

I have been studying the guards movements and there is a 10 minute gap between the 3rd and 4th shift maybe enough to get me and someone else out of here. I have 2 hours before the 3rd shift ends I need to choose who now. Octavia is right next to me but Abby is here.

"Hey earth to Raven" Octavia said weakly with small grin on her face.

"What!? Huh?"

"I said what are you thinking about"

"Oh uh I have an idea but I need your help with it" She nods understandably "ok when these guards leave I need you to make a lot of noise make them come close to you ok. I'll do the rest"

"I hope this works are because if it doesn't it could get us killed"

"I know I know but can you do it" She nods

-- 2 hours later--


"What did you call me little girl?" One guard walked up to the cage while the other continued to the door.

"You heard me!" What she says this he is totally distracted and I grab his key just in time. He goes for his key to get Octavia out but when he realises he doesn't have it he walks away. Octavia looks at me confused and hopeful. When I hear the door lock I quickly unlock my cage. "Ok so we have about 6 minutes to get out of here ok see that door?" She nods "that's a trash shoot they have been sending all the dead that way" I say with seriousness and sadness in my tone. We make our way to the shoot leaning on eachother.  My theory was correct as always and we landed on dead body's in a cart in some kind of mine tunnel.

"Ok we need to run they are going to notice we are gone soon." Octavia looks at me and runs over to a cart. She grabs clothes and thoughts some at me. She also hands me a knife and sword when alarms are going off and we hear foot steps running our way. We run until we make it into some woods. I hear screams and roaring coming our direction. Octavia pulls me and we run the other way. We run for a while but the mountain men are still on our tail.

"Wait remember when  they first got us and they like did something to us?" 

"Yeah? " She says confused

"What if it was a tracker or something?" I go to where they cur my skin and sure enough there was a bump I grab my knife cutting it off and wrapping it Octavia does the same.

"Give it to me. " Octavia says I hand her my tracker. She out of nowhere jumps onto a bore and stuffs the tracker into its mouth. She smacks it making it run in to opposite direction.


"We need to leave before they find out they are on a wild goose chase." We run for what felt like hours when I see metal. I run over to it thinking it might be a bunker or some supply area because we haven't eaten for like 2 days.

"What are you doing?" She looks at me confused.

"Just help it we need to sleep and eat sometime." I say a little to aggressive. She walks over and opens it.

"Holy shit! It's a car I might be able to get this to work if I get it to tondc." I hop in and it looks like someone had been living here a while ago. Thankfully there is still food and other supplies. We stay there and rest for the night and in the morning we will be on our way back to tondc.

A/N:2 chapters in 1 day!! Tha k you sooooo much for almost 800 reads already it's crazy (⊙_◎)!!!!! Thank you.

VOTE:  comment the other ships you want to see I already know clexa and octaven but I can't think of a ship rn so comment what you want to see!! :D

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