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I wake up feeling refreshed. Clarke is still asleep her arms wrapped tightly around me. I know I should probably get up and make us some food but I can't help but stare at Clarke. Her hair covering her face yet I can still see the beauty. I sit there in Clarke's arms and  just watching her for a while. Clarke pulls me closer to her.

"You are something special Klark." I say in a whisper. I take my hand to move the hair from her face. (A/n I just wanna say as I started writing this paragraph girl in red song girls started playing😂)

Clarke slowly opens her eyes she has the most adorable smile on her face.

"Thank you" Clarke says in a raspy soft tone. I look at her slightly in shock.

"I'm sorry Clarke i-"

"Its ok" She interrupts me. Snuggleing closer burying her head into my chest.

"We should get up Clarke, we need to eat and make our way back to tondc." I say after a few minutes.

"Right" Clarke says getting up. "Let's get goin then" She says offering me a hand to help me up. I happily oblige slightly wincing. We colect all of our things and exit the cave.

"We will have a feast celebrating the death of the pains and the fact that you saved my life Klark." I say turning towards her she faces me looking me in the eyes I can't help but stare right back at hers.

"Sounds great" Clarke says in a soft tone stepping towards me.

She leans in closer kissing my cheek. I stand there is total shock. I look at her she had a small smirk playing at her lips. She starts walking in the direction of tondc. I'm still standing there in total shock not moving my eyes wide. Did that just happen? Did I just imagine that? Why am I acting like this? Why does Klark do this to me? It was just a kiss on the cheek. Do I have feelings? No stop your not allowed to have feelings to be commander is to be alone remember Lexa. But don't I deserve better? Does Clarke have feelings for me? Is this just platonic for her?

"You comin'! " Clarke held yells. Snapping me out of my thoughts

"I- uh- um.. Yeah" I run trying to catch up with Clarke. When I get there she has a small smirk on her face almost like her knows what she's doing to me.

"Are you ok?" She says in a humored tone. I start walking faster trying to get to tondc and away from Clarke's teasing. We walk in silence until we make it to tondc. I we start working on helping any who need assistance. I stand on a platform to get everyone's attention.

"Hello people of tondc I am surprised to see that the puana did not do much damage. We will feast in celebration of the death of the beast. " I pause the crowd cheers. I lift my hand silencing everyone "we will also celebrate Clarke she saved my life from the puana and was the one that managed to kill it" The crowd is quite all staring at Clarke who is in the middle of the crowd. The people of tondc move making a path for Clarke to walk towards me. Clarke face is red every red almost brighter than a tomato. The crowd still cheering giving Clarke thanks. I step down from the platform and make my way towards my tent to get ready for the feast. Clarke soon does the same.


Everyone had just finished eating and is now talking amongst themselves and drinking. I walk passed Anya Raven and Octavia.

"I say it will take them no longer than tomorrow night" Anya says. The other two girls look at her in disbelief. Raven sees me and she straightens. Clarke walks over

"What will happen by tomorrow night? "

"Oh... Uh- nothing" Octavia says. Clarke looks at her skeptical. I give her a nod. Clarke's friends are... Interesting.

"Clarke good your here could I talk to you? " I ask. Clarke nods and we make our way my tent

A/N OMG LOOK IT'S NOT A POST AT 12 AM. OMG Clarke kiss Lexa on the cheek ahhhhhhhhh took her long enough. How do you think Clarke and Lexas talk will go ?😂

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