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-- 3rd person --

"Leksa chit jok ste- ummm hei chon yu bilaik....? " The woman with dark hair says. (Lexa what the fuck was- Ummm hello who are you...?"

"nau ste nou tim, kos" Lexa spoke with rage fuming (now is not the time)

"Ai na ban op ba Yu souda gouva klin chit Yu don dula'' the woman spoke. (I will leave but you have to explain what you did)

"Ai na kom gon bilaik chaimbrs op" Lexa spoke through clenched teeth, stepping towards the woman. (I will come to your chambers)

"Sha," the woman turned to Clarke, "Beja uhh forgive ai intrusion" the woman spoke in broken English noticing my confusion. Lexa awkwardly escorted her out the doors and whispered something to the woman before shutting them behind her. Lexa then turned back towards Clarke, still fuming with rage. Fear arose in Clarke, goosebumps and hair standing, and her chest tightened.

"Clarke..." Lexa was at a loss for words. She was frustrated pinching the bridge of her nose."i- Clarke the alliance we have is so very fragile even if we are at peace. This accusation against the flamekeeper is outrageous. Even if you feared my death I inevitably die whether it be at the hands of Titus or not. You should have told me about those people sooner if the other clans find out you hid this from us they will want war, they will want all of your people dead."

"I know Lexa-"

"No Clarke, you don't know. You could have sent Octavia, raven, Abby, Kane, or Bellamy for the sake of the spirits" Clarke's eyes were glued to the floor and nothing could tear them away. Lexa started pacing her mind going through every possible situation that could occur. she couldn't keep this from the other clans for much longer. It could cause a mass war and the peace would be completely broken.

"We will figure this out tomorrow and I will likely have to go and meet these people, Clarke" Lexa paused trying to compose herself. "Get some rest Clarke, it is getting late if we do end up leaving tomorrow it will be early." Clarke only nodded, not wanting to say anything that may further anger Lexa.

--Hope POV-- --past--

"Wake up baby we are here on earth we're back" my mother spoke softly into my ear as she stroked my hair. I smile as I slowly open my eyes adjusting to the light. "Hey hope"

"Hi mom," says my voice very hoarse from the many years of sleep. Diyoza slowly helped me sit up as my joints popped. I hugged her as soon as I could " you know I love you, right mom"

"I love you too sweetie" with that I and my mother made our way outside. She told me about the alliance we have with the people who call themselves the sky people... interesting I guess...

-- sometime later--

I was scouting the outer edge of the skaikru territory when I heard leaves and twigs snapping nearby. I silently made my way towards it as I gripped my dagger in case it was an attack. I rounded the corner as I heard something drop to the ground. I expected it to be the dead body of a warrior or something but to my surprise, I found a girl who was beaten to a pulp. I sheathed my dagger and kneeled to her side. I grabbed a cloth I had brought in case I got injured. I pressed the cloth onto one of the many bleeding wounds. Though I wasn't able to keep it there for long as I was soon shoved to the ground with the girl on top of me. She held a dagger to my throat.

"Hey i- I'm just trying to help you, your bleeding. If we go back to my home I can get you medical attention. I just want to help." I said in fear and worry. She slowly removed the blade from my throat and sat back against the tree with a loud thud. I slowly got up and sat next to her. We sat in silence for a few moments. Finally, I decided to break the silence. "I'm Hope" she was quiet for some time until...


"I used to know and echo... she was a bitch and always wanted everyone to do anything for her... and she was lowkey ugly" I froze noticing what I just said "not that you're a bitch... I mean I don't know you but you're definitely not ugly- I mean... you're pretty... I'm just gonna stop talking before I say something even dumber." I facepalmed myself in frustration. When I turned to echo she had a slight smile on her face like she was trying not to laugh at me.

"Your strange" she spoke quietly

"Yeah... no cap... I get that a lot" I said laughing slightly. "Can I clean you up a bit?" she looked at me as he thought for a moment before lightly nodding. I had snuck echo into Arkadia into Jackson's private infirmary where he helped the people that wanted help with no questions asked. After that moment echo and I have met almost every night. We soon gained a close friendship.

a/n: its an update.... it seems like when im grounded my writers block is gone...

but hey how was it...? probably bad.. but...

oh yeah and im making hope a genz bc... its just hilarious

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