Miss Keanes

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"Who's Miss Keanes?" I asked. The little boy was still holding onto me. No one looked at me. They simply gave Adrian a pointed stare. I raised my eyebrows at him. "Is she like the Luna here?"

"She was going to be right after he came back. But you're here now!" The little boy sent me a toothy grin. I gave him a small smile then stared at Adrian awaiting my answer.

"ELLIE!" Helen's voice rang out. "YOU'RE ALIVE"

"Was I supposed to die?" I laughed.

"You know we passed Wickory bridge and I was like Ellie's going to freak Ellie's going to freak because you know what happened there last time-"



"Shut up" I hissed.

"What happened there?" Adrian immediately asked.

"You don't get to ask until I meet Miss Keanes" I growled at him.

"Aw are you jealous" Helen hissed back in fear eyes wide with fear.

I sat down on the ground criss-crossing my legs and crossing my arms. Helen followed my example. The little boy at my legs sat down. Many of the children followed me sitting down. Hey even here I am boss with the kids.

"Ellie?" He asked.

"Helen? Whatcha doing?" Marcus asked worriedly. I gave Marcus a small wink before going back to my still state.





I stood up smiling. Helen and the others got up.

"if you meet Miss Keanes, you tell me what happened at Wickory bridge."


"Then Miss Keanes won't be seeing you anytime soon"

"Fine" I retorted.

"Are you sure?" Helen asked quietly. "Ask him about a girl named Miss Evergreen. Marcus was saying something about her before he shut up"

"What about Miss evergreen"

Marcus visibly paled.

"Is there something we should know?" Helen asked.

"LOSERS!" Rose interrupted.

"Hey weirdo!" I laughed.

"Do you know a Keanes and an Evergreen?"

"Keanes unfortunately was going to be-"

"Rose you're dismissed"

"No she's not" I interjected. "I want to know"

"Don't test me Ellie"

"Watch me" I growled right back.

He stormed away from me screaming curses while Marcus followed after saying his curses quietly.


The pack cheered.

"Please continue" Helen interrupted, her voice dripping with curiosity.

"So Keanes is this slutty ass girl who is actually really powerful. Like Alpha powerful. She's the daughter of an Alpha somewhere in Europe. He chose her to be his make shift mate and Luna. And Evergreen is pretty much the same thing but for Marcus."

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