Soon-to-be Packmates?

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After that lovely event occurred, we settled on sitting around like lazy bums. I was still thinking about what Adrian said. I'd never be a good Luna. I knew, I tried it with our pack when I was like 10 just to see what it was like with Alan. It was insane. I was running around losing my head and the try-to-be-Luna ended with rogues entering the pack territory. Maybe because I was 10 or maybe I'm just not fit for Luna.

        "Rose... what's it like back at Bloodmoon? Since you know I have to go there sooner or later"

        "Seriously?! You're coming! This is gonna be so great, you're going to love it. The alpha is always so protective of us. He's sometimes like scary mad. He seems awfully uptight here because well we're visiting a neighboring pack with his mate in it-"

        "So he's different back in your territory?"

        "Oh please! He's uptight yeah but maybe more talkative and social. All of the pack respects him and he's like freaking god over there"

        "He's practically god according to all other packs" I laugh.

        "I will warn you know you're going to literally going to kill Ava"

        "Ava? What is she like the pack-"

        "Yeah, she's slept with more than the male population in our pack"

        "Lovely. So excited."

        "Including the Alpha"

        "Oh" Well, then. That's not what I expected.

        "He's actually quite the-"

        "I DON't WANT TO KNOW!" 

        Rose laughed delighted in my uncomfortableness. 

        "Don't worry. You'll change him"

        "I highly doubt that but you know"

        "So what's it like, territory wise?"

        "We have a huge running track and there's a sports field"

        "Sports field?" My ears perked up.

        "Yes! It's so great! THere's a field for every single sport, a pool, and even an ice skating rink and a dancing place!"

        "Oh my gosh I'm actually kind of excited!" 

        "Dude I think you're going to be the best Luna ever."

        "I know right" I joked. "It'll be a wonder if the pack doesn't burn within 5 seconds of me being Luna"

        "Obviously. I'm going to warn you now though, the boys in the pack house aren't the best in the morning"

        "Isn't everyone?"

       "No quite literally they're all like" She imitated a deep voice. "Roar make me breakfast. Roar don't talk, Roar Coffee now, Roar listen to me, Roar respect me" I laughed. 

     From the corner of my eye, I saw a male figure dart from one shadow to another. Right before he disappeared back into the darkness, I saw a farmiliar face. A face I didn't want to see. Ever. Period. Never. Someone who stoked pain and fear into my soul. A bit dramatic but you get the idea. I shooke my head blinking the face out of my mind.

        "Rose" A male voice called out. "Are you scaring the new girl?" 

         It was the beta Marcus. I internally shivered.

        "I doubt she's scared of you" Rose snorted. 

        "Watch your tone with me Rosalyn. I am your beta" Rose shrunk down to the size of a mouse at his voice she almost seemed to fear him. I frowned at that. Betas are meant to be respected and smart. Not rude and stupid. 

        "I am your Luna and I recommend you back off now" I commanded him allowing the power of my wolf to seep into my voice. I thought I almost saw him cower before the power wore off.

        "Or else what?" He questioned leering into my face.

        "I think you need a mint" I told him deceptively calmly. To be honest, I was freaking out. 

        "What are you speaking of with your Luna and my mate, Marcus?" Adrian's voice filled my ears like honey. 

        "Nothing Alpha, Simply welcoming her to pack" He spoke in a honey-sweet voice. "I'm just leaving now" 

        Adrian simply nodded at him.He dismissed Rose. I saw her walk away but turn around every once in a while. I turned away from the direction Marcus was. 

        "Are you alright, my love?"

        "Yes. Of course." I refused to look him in the eye. 

        "Gosh, just look at me will you?" Adrian's frustrated voice rang through my ears. His being reminded me too much of someone I used to know. Someone I'd prefer to not remember. I refused to look at him. 

        Suddenly Adrian's hands wrapped around my face and turned me towards him giving me choice to look him in the eyes. Those cold, blue eyes. I shivered internally.

        "Why will you not look at me, mate?"

        "I don't want to"

        "Will I never know the reason for your hesitance?" 

        A select few people knew why I didn't get involved with others. He would not be one of them.... I'm probably going to bite my words later. 

        "No. You won't know the reason."

        "But you wish to tell me do you not?"

        Oh I did. Oh just to get it off my chest from my mate. 

        "Remember I can read your thoughts so why not just tell me? I'll find out eventually and you know it"

        He was right. Unfortunately. Gosh I wish it weren't true. 

        "No. Nothing's wrong. "

        "I know you're lying"

        "Congrats!" I sneered sarcastically. "You deserve a prize for that!"

        "Oh... I can think of a few prizes I'd like from you."

        ".....Oh....wait.... Got it..... EWWWWW!"

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