Pick-up lines?

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        We practically ran down the road. We literally jumped out of the car. Adrian raced towards the house first. 

        "Call the others! Tell them to get here now!" I screamed at some of the crowded pack members.

        "You will fix it right, Luna?" Someone screamed.

        "Of course I will" I don't even know if I can fix it.

        I raced towards the house. All the blinds were shut. Adrian stood there talking to a pack member getting information on what's going on exactly. I rushed to the house and banged on the door.

        "GET OUT OF MY DAMN HOUSE, ASSHOLE!" I screamed banging on the door. The door opened on the next bang. A man with chestnut hair looked at me. His eyes were a blue color and his arms were tinged with blood. Yet he had no scars of his own that I could see. His thick neck was pulsing and I could hear his blood, heart and pulse thumping wildly. He was leaning against the frame of the door looked too leisurely for my tastes. Adrian looked up seeing the man he automatically growled and took his place slightly ahead of me.

        "What in the world do you think you're doing?" Adrian seethed.

        "Was that your mate? She's a pretty little thing."

        "What are you doing here?" Adrian simply growled out.

        "I wonder what that wonderful little body of her could do? I wonder what her voice would sound like raw and screaming my name?"

        Adrian reached over reaching his hands out in order to choke the man and the moment his skin crossed over the thresh hold. It smoked.

        "AGH!" Adrian screamed retracting his hands. I glared at the man before training my gaze on the burns on Adrian's skin.

        "You're an idiot" I grumbled. One of the pack members brought a first aid kit. I put a cooling pad on his arms. "A true idiot" 

        "Now let's get to know you, deaire" The man in my house grinned at me. I glared at him. I wasn't going to go through that house.

        "Where are the kids?"

        "Come in and find out"

        "Or not" I sighed. "I'm not going to play games with you. What the heck do you want?"

        "You're really pretty you know that right? You're eyes are dark as night and your hair is finer than silk"

        "How long did that take you to figure out?"

        "Girl, you're the reason why men fall in love" He winked at me. Disgust was already in me. I don't think I could be more disgusted right now.

        "Thanks and you're the reason why women don't" I groaned.

        "I'd really like to get into your pants" This was positively disgusting. Here he was threatening to kill the kids of my pack and he's throwing me pick -up lines.

        "No thanks. There's already one asshole in it" 

        "You're good"

        "And you suck"

        "My name is William."

        "Why are you here?"

        "So quick to business aren't you?"


        "Are you quick to come as well?"

        "You won't ever get a chance to find out"

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