Why ex-boyfriends suck

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        As soon as Adrian heard that, he was gone. I hesitated before chasing after him. No way was he going to see Maddox without me. I glared at the back of Adrian's head as he was talking to one of the guards. For a lazy Alpha he was a hella fast runer. Which either meant he was unbeleivably fast or I was unbeleiveably slow. I unconsicouldy looked at my fat and squeezed. 

        "That's not fat darling. You have a lovely six-pack" Adrian interupted my thoughts without even turning around. I blushed.

        "I know you're blushing." Adrian laughed. "I'm going in there. You are staying out here-"

        "Absolutely not" I interupted him. "He asked for both of us and I'm going in there." 

        "Over my dead body"

        "Then get ready to die" I started towards the door. Adrian reached out and spun me just before I reached the door knob. 

        "I will let you fight me on other things, but this? This is not debatable. Guards? Get my Luna out of here"

        "Touch me and I will rip your hands off" I started towards the house. "Don't expect me to be happy about this" 

        "You can't be upset if you're dead." Adrian responded and walked into the door. I was steaming mad. How dare he keep me away from Maddox? I had a right to see him. To punch him. Then rip his genitals off. Then stuff them in his mouth. Then stuffing him in a barell. Then stuffing the barallel with rattlesnakes. Then shove it into a river. Which was as mild as it was going to get. I wasn't only mad at Adrian but Maddox. I mean what type of pshcopathic ex-boyfriend is that? I mean why couldn't I get one of those ex-boyfriends that would buy me flowers and choclates and beg for me? Why'd I have to get the one who kills people and explains how he wants to screw me with a crowd of people? Like seriously.

        I made it to the house. Helen was somewhere with Marcus most likely. Rose....she was with her rogue mate. I hope she does well. And vists. And sends letters. He better keep her safe or I will find him and kill him. I headed in and grabbed a pitcher and filled it with water. I grabbed a sweet tea powder thing and poured it in the pitcher and mixed it up. When the sweet tea was to my tastes, I dropped a bunch of ice and poured myself a glass. I  stuck the rest of the ice tea in the fridge and went upstairs. I placed the ice tea on the nightstand. I dropped on the bed. I turned over and grabbed my phone and headphones and plugged my headphones into the phone as well as in my ears. I laid back on the bed and pulled the volume up as loud as possible. I shut my eyes. I laid there for a few minutes. 

        I felt Adrian's lips cover mine. His lips were so soft. His hands moved up and down my hips. I could stop this immedieatly and leave him like this or I could grow it then stop it when it was too much. Evil or even more evil? Definetly even more evil. I moved my hips to meet his with every rock. I pulled him down on me and kissed him lightly. He moved my shirt down. I obliged for him until I was left in my bra. I continued kissing him. My music was still pounding in my ears. I pulled them out momentarily and threw them aside before he pulled up bringing me up with him. His lips were beautifully soft on my skin. Gently he nipped at my skin. I heard a groan and I realized it was me. This was unbeleivably amazing. This was heavenly. He nipped at my skin most likely leaving marks on me. I let him because I didn't care. I was his as he was mine.  He nipped at my mark. I froze. No sparks flew from my mark.

        I opened my eyes immediately. I gentled seeing Adrian. Then my vision came into focus. Maddox. 

        Maddox. I was sitting on Maddox right now. Kissing him. He just gave me hickies. I shrieked, pulling away from him. I grabbed my shirt and pulled it on. Maddox simply got up from the bed as graceful as a panther. I scrambled away from him. I ran towards the door. It was closed so I ripped at the door twisting this way and that. It didn't work very well considering it was locked. Maddox moved towards me quickly and efficently. I froze as soon as his hands moved blocking me from the door. He pulled me away from the door. 

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