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I stood staring at the car rip away from me. I don't even know how I could still even think about Maddox. I wasn't sure. Calling me an idiot was a definete understatemnt. There wasn't a single darn thing that Maddox had done to deserve any feelings. Guilt and regret began to gnaw at me. Every step I took seemed to be a life time's journey. 

        Mate is mad 

        OH?! You don't say? 

         "ELLIE" Helen's voice rang. Her arms wrapped around my body. I hugged her back. I shut my eyes letting my head rest on her shoulder. She immediately understood and tightened her grip on me.

        "I take it that it didn't go well?" Rose captured me in her arms as well. I shook my head blinking back my hot tears. 

        "It did. Until the end" I muttered quietly.

        "Let's get you inside. You smell like salt water."

        I gave out a small laugh at Helen's stupid insult. They led me to a bathroom. I got the bath running while convincing Helen and Rose that I was fine. They warily left me to myself. I shut the door on their way out. I sighed.I turned the water off for the bath and turned on the water for the shower. I stepped into the shower quickly to get rid of the dirty feeling on my skin and in my hair. Once I was satisfied, I shut the shower off and then slipped into the bath tub letting the warm water soak into my skin. I reached for my bag that was laid near the sink and grabbed my phone. I set my phone on shuffle letting the music play. I sat there. I laid my head against the bath rest and shut my eyes. I'm not sure how long I sat there but I'm fairly certain I fell asleep.

        "ELLIE! GET UP! ELLIE!" A male voice screamed out. I moved my head in the noise's general direction. I could barely open my eyes. "Ellie! I swear to god if you leave me I will kill you!"

        I tried moving my arm and it wasn't working out very well. 

        "ELLIE!" I spluttered up. My eyes flew open. I was still in my bath tub but my head was raised back up. I choked and coughed out water.

        "What the heck were you thinking?! Falling asleep in a bathtub!?"

        "Sorry" I growled out at Adrian. 

        "You nearly died and a sorry is all I get? Really?"

        "It was an accident" I told him blankly. He didn't seem to be paying attention to what I was saying. He was more intrested in my ...uhm.... feminie assets. 

         "Adrian. Get out"

        He just kept on looking. I waved my hands in front of my upper assets while I crossed my legs covering my private area. Finally his eyes moved up to his face, yet the lust was still clear in his eyes.

        "It'll be a great deal of restraint if I don't take you right now"        

        "Or it'd be really awkward considering I just fell asleep in a bathtub."

        "Are you a virgin?" He asked suddenly. I turned beet red. 


        "Are you? I swear I just want to know. I'll try not to be mad."

        "You were just yelling at me and then stormed off for not loving you yet and now you want to know if I'm a virgin? You have really bad timing"

        "To be clear I stormed off because my wolf wanted to go kill something for you still having some feelings for him"

        "Thanks for the clarity"

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