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           Ellie above

"GOAL!!" I yelled out at the top of my lungs. I managed to slam the ball into the opponents .

           The cheers of others filled my ears. I screamed along with them. The game had just ended. 

     "CONGRATULATIONS TO NIGHTLOCK HIGH OUR NEW STATE CHAMPIONS!" The announcer's voice crackled out from behind the speakers. I screamed loudly along with the rest of my soccer team. 

         "Shall we? " My friend Helen smiled wickedly at me. She was refering to the bet we made with our coach that involved an icy cooler of water.

         "Oh we shall" I laughed. Helen and I each grabbed a side of the cooler and raced over to our coach without spilling too much water. 

           "Oh Coach peterson . .  . " Helen sung out.

        "Oh god girls . . . please . . ." We simply laughed and dumped the icy cold water onto our coach's head. 

          "I hate you" Coach  laughed. 

           "Love ya too Coach!" 

          "Oh. I'm going to miss you girls so much"

         "You're going to regret this words when we come back next year with an even colder cooler."

           We laughed. We celebrated on the feild for a bit. 

           "Come on Ellie. The alpha is waiting for us"  Helen called to me

           I rolled my eyes. Just what I needed. Another party where the Alpha attempts to flirt with Helen and I deal with his beta.

       I was a werewolf. Yeah. The ones that turn into wolves. I can turn into one. Whenever I want. The crap about only turning into a wolf during a full moon is exactly what I said it was. Crap. We live in packs, or groups. Alpha is the leader. Beta is 2nd in command. And there are three groups.

      The leaders are the Alpha, Beta and all the other higher ups. They all were high and mighty. I liked to think of them as all the idiots that were born into power. Unfortunately even if they weren't even good leaders, they were still powerful. They could tell us what to do.

    There were civilians. Those who were just part of the pack. They were ordinary werewolves. They were the doctors, accountants, cooks etc. They lead normal, ordinary lives. Or as ordinary and normal as werewolves can be.

            There were the Warriors too. Those who bravely defended the pack and their leaders. Their leaders . . . unfortunately. I was part of the warriors. I was the lead warrior. I protected the Alpha himself.  Oh  . . .what. . . a great job. 

      Anyway Helen drove us to the pack house. Our entree team was heading out with us. We all sat in our jeeps singing at the top of our lungs the most random songs. The people driving on the highway with us stared.  Helen ,my ever so polite friend, politely flipped them the bird. As we began to pull into the pack house's parking lot, the party was already in full swing. The team cheered. 

       I screamed. All of my team looked at me expectantly. Waiting for me to lead. I laughed. I sprinted headfirst into the party. I felt them hot on my heels. The party abruptly stopped for us to run through.  As we skidded to a stop the party returned to its joyous state.

       We dispersed. I headed towards the wonderful refreshments laid out in front of me. I grabbed a coke from the table and cracked it open. It was one of those fancy ones that had the names on it. I took a sip from it watching my team party. Sure we were still all sweaty but the formal doesn't start for another two hours. 

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