Will you still love me?

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"Where is she?!" I slammed my fist against my office table. Did the pack really expect me to be able to work while my mate was gone.

"Alpha, we will find her."

"No. I don't want a will or eventually. I want her here. Right now." I grabbed the coffee mug slamming it into the wall.

"Helen! Fix him!" Marcus yelled out scrambling from the room. Helen slinked it. She raised her eyebrows at the broken cup. I growled as if asking for her to test me. She rolled her eyes and sat on the desk and propped her legs up on the desk.

"I'm glad you're not my mate" I growled at her.

"Same here." Helen growled back. Under normal circumstances. I would've been fine, yet my mate was not here. I growled and shoved her chair back nearly slamming it into the wall. She yelped and bumped into the wall.

"Is that the best you got?" She yelled at me.

I yelled at her slamming my fist close to her head.

"Get your anger out" She screamed. "Ellie's not here and it's your fault"

I smashed my fist against the wall and then Helen slipped away. I don't know how long it lasted, but when it was done I felt way better. The wall was smashed in. Helen stood looking victorious against the other chair.

"Why are you still here?" I yelled at her.

"Because I miss her too dumb ass! I've known her longer than you have and I'm not killing myself"

"I'm not killing myself." I mumbled.

"You haven't eaten in two days "She told me.

"It doesn't feel like it"

"Clearly. Go downstairs. Eat something. Then I'll go to sleep"

"You're going to go to sleep?" I asked lowly.

"So I can find Ellie. You dumb ass"

I went downstairs. If she didn't get me answers soon, I was going to eat her alive. An hour passed. I was sitting on the sofa watching a show that Ellie had left on our computer.

"Hey" Helen's voice came from atop the stairs. I jumped up from the couch.

"Hey! Where is she? How is she?"

Helen sighed. That was not a good sign.

"What happened?" I articulated. "Tell me now"

"Don't be angry" She pleaded. Marcus wrapped his arms around her. A pang of anger hit me. I swallowed it down. Marcus has his mate safe and sound while my mate is gone with some stalker psychotic ex boyfriend she was stupid enough to talk to.

"I can't promise. Tell me"

"She was in bed with Maddox" She started slowly. I gripped the sofa ripping it accidentally. I mumbled an apology.

"She couldn't remember this pack. " My life line just cracked right open. I grabbed the couch and threw it over.

"She's alive! Okay! Be happy about that!? Eventually she'll remember you?"

"Me? SHE CAN'T REMEMBER ME!?" I yelled out at her. "You just said she can't remember the f*cking pack not me!"

"Calm down Adrian! We will find her" Helen yelled drawing back into Marcus's shoulder. Ellie should be here now.  Ellie should be here with me.  Not with some psychotic maniac. 

"FIND HER!" I yelled out storming out of the house. 

Ellie's P.O.V. 

Maddox was sitting upright on the couch. His fingers were twirling through my hair. My head was on his lap turned to the disney movie. My mind was still reeling from the familiarity of the name Maddox had said. 

Hit me with your best shot Alpha {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now