Home sweet home?

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I woke up the next day. Adrian was awake already packing stuff away. I groaned as my eyes met the sun's bright light.

"Someone's awake"

"Yup" I grumbled to him.

"We're heading home to the pack so up up up" He was way too happy. I'll spare you the details of my horrendous journey home and save you. When we were back at the pack, the pack who had stayed behind were sitting there on the porch.

"How's Rose?" One of the younger girls ran up to Adrian. "I heard she was there! Did she come back with Bates?" She giggled. Bates heard that and growled lightly before turning into the house.

"No. Now the Luna and I have to go into the house"

"But Mr. Alpha-"

"What is it?" He growled out. I jabbed him in the stomach. He grunted and cleared his throat. "I mean, what is it now sweetie?"

"Mr. Maddox said only the luna"

"Maddox?" I questioned.

"Get the house surrounded now. Nothing gets out and nothing gets-"

"I'm going in. Leave a single exit open and clear, but guarded." I added.

"Ellie. Absolutely not-"

"Are you my mate or my protector?" I asked him growling lightly.

"Ellie. This is too dangerous."

"So is everything. I'm going in"


"Adrian please" I begged him. "Let me deal with him this once."

"If Maddox gets away, I will hang every single one of you gaurds onto the fence posts and have the kids throw all their trash at you all at once. And if you even accidentally shoot Ellie or something happens to her, you will be hanging on the flag post with nothing but your boxers on is that understood?" Adrian growled out.

"Yes Alpha"

I headed towards the house with Adrian behind me. I just got back from vacation and I'm already being hounded by Maddox and an overprotective mate.

Maddox stood deeper into the open door. I took Adrian's arm off of mine.

"I'll be fine. I swear. If anything goes wrong, I'll yell. Or mindlink you. I promise"

"Ellie. I still don't want you to go in there. "

"Adrian. I want him out of our life forever. This will probably get him out of our life for good."

"Ellie. We could kill him and get it over with."

"Adrian. So brave" I placed my hand on his cheek and looked up at him as he leaned down. I kissed him hard standing on my tippy-toes. He leaned down and grasped each side of my head and pressed deeper into the kiss. His tongue flicked over my lip asking for entrance. I bit lightly on his lip signaling a no. He growled lowly in his throat and grasped my butt rather hard. I gasped opening my mouth. He smirked against my lips and explored the new found territory. He grasped onto me rather hard and began squeezing. I let go of him.

"Hey lets not get too touchy here" I laughed.

"Come back to me okay love?" He whispered huskily.

"Of course"

I entered the house and Adrian braked orders to the guards. I faltered. Maybe I should just go back outside and let Adrian deal with this. The door slammed shut. I gasped loudly.

Hit me with your best shot Alpha {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now