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I yelled jumping off of Adrian. He growled before I scampered up the stairs along with the rest. I was all for being brave and stuff but getting shot was not okay with me. Henry grabbed my hand pulling me up. We raced to our bedroom. I slammed the door shut just as Helen swooped through the door. I leaned against the door breathing hard.

"What the hell happened?" Adrian demanded as if we knew. 

"Who the hell knows?!" Alan yelled. 

"Chill out you guys!" I spoke calmly. "We'll figure it out" I placed a hand on Adrian's arm watching him simmer down.

The house was eeirely quiet. I mean we were wolves. We were used to being the predator, but I was feeling a whole lot like prey right now. 

"I'm going downstairs"Helen whispered. I scowled at her. I gave her the WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING? look. She shrugged. 

"tell me you aren't curious about whats going on downstairs"I glanced over at the boys who were huddling near the window talking quietly. I nodded. I quietly disappeared from the room with Helen. 

The shadows loomed against the hallway. Everything had a deafening silence that made me want to tear my own hair out. Helen grabbed my hand quickly. I spun around like lightning to see a fan turning. I glared at Helen. A hand went over my mouth. 

Helen wasn't there. 

The gloved hand against my mouth was strong and somewhat protected.  I bit as hard as I could on the hand and it ripped itself out of my grasp. I let out a scream. 

"ELLIE!" Helen's voice ripped through the silence.Hands grasped at my waist. I yelled smacking something out of my reach and ran like hell.Helen screamed again. She sounded like she was on the other side of the house. We were walking together and how the heck is she all the way over there. 

"Helen? Ellie?" Rose's voice sounded from above me. 

"Rose? Where are you?" I screamed as I kept running. "Adrian! Henry! Marcus! I shrieked hysterically. 

The walls seemed to be closing in on me. Shadows seemed to leap at me. Rose yelled again. I was confused and scared. It was not okay. I yelled again grasping at the walls. A hand grabbed my pulling me closer. The back of my head slammed against the wall as the rest of my body hit the wall with a thud. 

I shut my eyes turning away from the black figure. What type of idiot am I?

"Look at me" A gruff voice grabbed my chin roughly. I turned to face the hooded face. I spit in his face and stomped my foot on his.  

"Rose! Come here! Helen!"

"Ellie! Where are you?" Adrian yelled. His voice was breathtakingly worried. All sense went out the window. 

"Adrian! Please! Where are you!" I knew this house. I should be able to find him. Who was here? More importantly what the hell was going on.

I bumped into someone and fell back. I looked up seeing Mors. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I lashed out at him. 

"Rose. Where is Rose?" He asked me. 

"I don't know. I can't find her. Why are you here?" I asked frustrated again.

"She ran away again. Then I find rogues crawling around everywhere."

"Do you know what's going on right now?"

"Rogues like to separate powerful leaders and play them like mice."

"Why aren't you?"

"Because some of us aren't 5 year old immature wannabes." Mors voice dropped. I nearly laughed. 

"So what?" 

"They're going to keep on herding us until we kill one another"

"Great. If you kill me, I will haunt your ass forever" I warned.  I saw the side of his mouth tilt upwards. I smirked. See? I am funny.

I saw something run in front of us. Rose's familiar brown hair was fleeing to the other side. I glanced at Mors and we both ran. 

"Rose! Rose!" The figure turned around to see a brown haired girl with Rose's clothes on. I growled leaping on the girl pinning her against the wall. 

"Where the hell is she?" 

"Like I'll tell you and your punk ass pack member anything."

Mors then came in and ripped the girl to pieces.  

"Really?" I muttered. "I was asking her something"

"She wasn't going to tell us anything anyway."  Mors said simply. I looked at him.

"Ellie? Please tell me that's you" Helen's voice sounded behind me. 

"Oh my god Helen. Thank god!" I turned around smiling. 

I grasped her. "You are going to stay with me" 

Adrian and the others showed up. I ran to Adrian. I hugged him tightly. 

"Oh thank you lord" I smiled as I grasped him tightly. 

"Ellie?" Adrian's tired voice filled my ears. I grasped him tighter against me. He kissed me lightly as I grasped onto him. I felt his mouth over mine. He grabbed me pulling me up so I was forced to wrap my legs around his waist. I held his face in my hands as I kissed him back hungrily. 

"You expect me to stay when you treat me like crap!" Rose's voice cut through everything. I released Adrian to turn towards Mors and Rose. 

"I expect you to be stronger than running away like a child"

"And you constantly treat me like one. Is it really my fault anymore? I have tried. I have done it all. I won't do it anymore" Rose yelled back. 

"Please." He whispered. 

"No." Rose's voice was like steel cutting through anything with a single swipe. Even I shrunk back. Mors stood shocked. 

"Rose. I'm your mate-"

"NO. My mate would care about me and actually stand to be around me." Her words were like adding salt to the wound.

"Fun. Wouldn't that be?" A male voice sounded. We turned around to see a man surrounded my matted wolves. My own wolf stirred inside of me. 

"Get out. Now." Adrian's voice tipped. I looked up at him. "You are not welcome here."

"What? Me?" The man feigned innocence. The man swept towards us. Adrian shrunk back looking like a child who had just been remonstrated. 

He had dark black hair matching mine basically. 

I pulled forward looking at Helen for support. Marcus seemed frozen in his spot. Alan and Henry had just shown up and had frozen up as well. Mors on the other hand seemed to be burning like a fire ready to burst. 

I pushed forwards pointing a single finger at the man's chest and shoved him backwards. He stumbled a step back and glared at me. His near black eyes cut through my soul like he was tearing every single secret out of my body. I shook my head lightly focusing myself. 

"Who are you?" I scowled. "Get out of my pack" 

"Aw the little dove has teeth" 

"Who do you think you are coming here and-"

"Why don't you ask your alpha babe"

"Well?" I demanded to know. I was confused and I didn't understand. 

"That is my brother. "

"I've met Bates. This isn't Bates. Bates isn't some psychopathic asshole."

"No. Bates is gone. I am Marin." Marin spoke. 

"Where is Bates?" I growled. 

"Probably half way to hell already" 

Sorry about the long wait and short chapters. Love you all anyways! Marin is a new character so if you have any question please pm me.

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