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I am not a patient person. Ask anyone. I find it hard to wait. So waiting for her to finish that entire damn paragraph. If you haven't already figured it out, I'm also very abrasive and aggressive. So clearly I threw the first punch.

I punched her square in the face.

"What? I thought I had to beat you? Was that a challenge?"

"Hell yeah bitch!" She screeched. "Lets go to the stadium right now and see who wins. Fight to the death."

"Hell no. Ellie. You are not doing this" Adrian grabbed my wrist. 

"Oh I'm doing this!" I growled. Helen grinned at me. She wrapped her arm around mine as I stalked to the stadium. There were wolves there already. Some grinned at me awaiting me. I smiled back at them shyly.  

Madison stood on the other edge of stadium. Adrian stood awkwardly as we glared at each other. The others went up to the bleachers as Adrian began to present us. I remembered this happening once. Our Luna was about to be replaced but then she beat the other. She killed the other opposing Luna. One of us was going to die today. It was not going to be. Not today bitch.

"Madison and Ellie are vying for position of Luna-"

"And mate!" Madison's irritating voice shot out. I rolled my eyes ready to pummel her. Adrian cleared his throat starting again. 

"Madison and Ellie are vying for position of Luna and mate today. They will be fighting to the end-"

"Someone's going to pay for the broken nail-" Madison started.

"Can you ever shut up?" I asked her annoyed. She huffed and rolled her eyes. 

"They will be fighting to the end so let this begin." He shouted hearing the crowd erupt in excited cheers and applause. 

"Please win Ellie" He whispered underneath his breath. I grinned at him. I knew what was going to happen. The moment her was at the top of the stadium. I'd fight. I watched him go up the stairs. He hadn't even reached the second to last step before she struck. She came at me quickly slapping me hard across the face. Murmurs shot through the crowd. 

"How's that? Aww is the little amnesiac baby werewolf sad?" She pouted. I raced towards her instinctually. I wove around her getting her square in the face. Just before she was about to back hand me, I turned around and twisted her arm around bending it awkwardly. She screamed loudly. I grinned. I had a soul but hearing that was music to my ears right there.

I ran around as she grabbed my hair clawing it roughly. She was shifting with her hand still in my head. Her claws shot out slamming into my hear roughly. I shreiked loudly. I heard a gasp come from the crowd as she slammed me to the ground. My ears were ringing. She bit my arm tearing my flesh. Another roar came from the crowd. I was losing blood too quickly. Everyone here knew she was cheating. You can't fight human against wolf. We always had to fight in each form for a certain amount of  time. I screamed shoving the giant wolf off of me twisting around to face her. I hid my arm behind my back. The wolf snarled jumping at me. I dodged not shifting. No. Not yet.

She jumped again managing to knock me down again. I scrambled up. 

"Come and get me BITCH" I screamed as the wolf pounced again. This time I was ready I jumped as she did colliding with her as she fell on her back. I pounced again slamming my tiny fist against her throat. She struggled for air. I punched her snout as hard as I could. Her leg came up to smack me off. I was thrown off as she came back up snarling. She began backing me up. I was trapped between the wall and her. She was so close and I could feel her breath on my face. Just as she was about to snap my throat, I got back into action. 

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