More fires....

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I just stared. My wolf was howling. I couldn't even look at him in the eyes. My wolf suddenly lunged at him taking over my body. I saw through her eyes. She had taken control of my body.


             Ellie, this is serious. 

            So is protecting the pack! I have a bigger duty to the protection of my pack than to  . . . him.

        You've always dreamed of a mate when you were young. What happened? 

     I bit my lip. She was right. Yet, now I had 

She gave me control of my body. I just stood in the middle of the two packs. Adrian was staring at me expectantly once more. I turned to see Alan and Henry waiting for me to go back to them. My loyalty to my pack was greater than any mate bond. I strode back to Alan and Henry. My pack. My family.

       "No" Adrian's cold voice cut through the tense air.

           "She's chosen her place."

       "Yet fate has chosen her place already. She WILL come with me" He growled. His eyes were turning black. Black eyes for werewolves meant they were ready to shift. I mean you can shift anytime but when you have black eyes when you shift, you don't have control. The wolf has control. Since Adrian was an Alpha, he would most likely tear through us all in a matter of minutes.

        I took a step closer to Henry, clutching onto his arm for dear life. He was smart. He would figure out a way to let me stay in my pack.

              "No. She is my warrior. You can not steal from my pack. You have already done enough to this pack. You WILL NOT take our only source of protection left" Alan stated coldly. I didn't even know he had a voice like that.

            "She will come with me. Or I will wage a war. And when I do. You will lose. And I highly doubt Ellie will enjoy the punishment that I have planned for her if she doesn't come here right now" He looked directly at me.

             This was duty to my pack. I would not allow war with another pack.

            "I would gladly go to war for-"

             "NO" I yelled. "No. You will not be going to war. Either of you." 

            Every one was looking at me. This reminded me of the time I was in third grade and had to do that stupid oral speaking thing. I ran out of the room in the middle of my speech, crying. I couldn't do that this time. Not again. 

             "I will  . . . go . . with Adr-" Nope. Couldn't do it. I ran. 

           I sprinted through the forest. I could hear both packs chasing after me. My pack because I was their warrior. Bloodmoon because I was their Alpha's mate. I ran faster, and faster, and faster. I sped through the forest. I stopped near another clearing. I realized I just went around in a circle. I sighed, waiting for them to find me. I sat down, leaning against a tree. I sat for a few minutes. All of a sudden panic flew at me. I winced nearly going unconcious. The panic was coming from my pack. And the kids.

     I got up. I ran towards the pack. My wolf was going with crazy with panic.

           THIS IS YOUR FAULT! I yelled at her. She whimpered.  That is my family. Those are the kids of my pack. That is my pack. These people are my life. Not my mate.

             She felt my panic and sent me another burst of speed. I made it there. Another fire had been set. Bloodmoon pack members were holding my pack memebers back from helping with the fire. I growled. I burst through my pack memebre to the burning house. I realized it was my house. My house where my parents had spent most of their time before the acciden. I spotted the kids who usually played inside the house. I saw two of the 14-year olds hold on to one another as ashes flew around them. I cried out as their fear shot through like a bullet. I winced at the pain. I struggled to get to the house. I had to push past theire painto help them. 

            "GET OUT"I screamed. Tears were beginning to form. I spotted Adrian standing in front of the house. His beta was throwing wood and gasoline to the fire.

            "STOP!" I ran towards them. I tried to rip the beta away from the peices of wood and gasoline. He knocked me down and snarled down at me. I ran towards Adrian who was blocking the way to my house.

               "Leave them alone!" I cried out trying to shove him out of the way. I tried to ignore the sparks that jumped from his skin to mine when we touched. He just looked at me. 

               "Please! Stop! Leave them alone."

            "I'm simply returning the favor"

               "What favor? What did I do to you?"

              "You ruined my life by not coming with me. I'm just ruining your life with your pack. So we're equal"

              "Those are my PACK MEMBERS! You can't kill them!" I couldn't think straight. All I wanted was for those kids to be okay. If they died, that'd be on me. Me for not being strong enough to get in there. My fault for not stopping the fire. 

               "I guess I can" 

             "Please! Don't kill them!  . . I . . . I'll go with you!" I screamed. "I'll go with you! I swear it! Please don't hurt them. Heck just stop the fire!" 

               He looked at my face. I was so close to crying. 

               "That's not enough"

               "I won't leave you! I'll treat you like a good mate should! I'm sorry!" I cried. Nope. I guess I was going to cry today. The tears streaked down my face. 

                He turned towards his beta. The beta stopped adding fuel to the fire. I took this moment to rip myself from his arms. I ran into the house. I grappled some of the kids shoving them out. I got all of them out not including the two kids I had seen before. I ran around frantically through the burning house that was once mine. The two kids had made it all the way down the stairs. They lay in one anothers' arms with the white ashes around them. I knelt slowly next to the boy's chest and listened for a heartbeat. 

             There was a moment of silence. Even in my own home. The house I lived in, where all the kids came to hang out burned to the ground. The other girl next to him had serious burns on her face and body. Her dark hair swept across her face in a serene way. Her small body was warped around the boy's arm. The boy's position helped to shield the girl from the fire. It hadn't worked. Tears worked their ways into my eyes. I shoved them away

A cry shot through the crowd. Two couples ran towards me racing to the bodies of their children. They were a mess. Tears and dirty red faces filled my visions. The rest of the pack was quiet holding a moment of silence for the lost members. Alpha Alan let out a long grief filled howl. Others howls filled the air. I howled alongside them. A long soulful sound ripped from my throat. The mellow sounds blended with one another while still all being unique together. 

        The sad thing was I didn't even know their names.



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