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        Cade himself was fairly unimportant to me. However being Helen's ex boyfriend it sort of got me a little ruffled. I still had terrible thoughts of him. Many of which included ripping his head off. Or stripping him completely naked. Then giving him paper cuts everywhere. Then sticking him into a pool of hand sanitize. While stepping on a bunch of Lego's. For the rest of his life, for the things he did to Helen.

        "How are you, Ellie?"  He asked me awkwardly.

        "Fine" I hissed at him. "Better than Helen ever was with you for sure." 

        "Oh don't bring up that whiny little bitch again" He growled at me.

        "Oh you're the expert on being a whiny little bitch"

        "Who is this?" Adrian finally butted in.

        "This is Cade. Helen's stupid ex boyfriend"

        "Watch your mouth Ellie" Cade scolded me as if he had the right to do that. I tilted my head to the side raising a single eyebrow at him. I felt Adrian stand protectively behind me as if ready to pounce. He wouldn't have to worry. Beta of Hidden blood or not, I would tear him to pieces.         

        "Don't talk to my mate like that pup"

        Shockingly Cade didn't find the insult that was just thrown at him by Adrian.. He gave me a questioning glance.        

        "Who would've thought the shrew would've found a mate" He muttered to himself.

        "At least I was deemed good enough to have a mate"

        "Oh please. We all know that mates are meant to be perfect for another one. It seems pretty clear since your mate's a monster that you are too. I mean your parents are dead because of you" He threw at me. Anger surged through me as well as the wave of pain. 

        "Enough. Another word out of you and I will rip your hands off slowly as I rip through your throat"

        "Of course Alpha"

        Cade walked away as if he won something. Adrian kept on growling. I turned towards him and put my hands around his neck. I felt his muscles relax. I simply held on. 

        "Come. We won't let a pup ruin our day" He told me. I smiled. He popped the trunk and my eyes widened in excitement. Adrian put a hand around his neck rubbing his neck sheepishly. 

        "I asked Helen what you liked to do at the beach. She said you were really good at surfing so I thought we could try it"

        "OH MY GODS I LOVE YOU!" I screamed happily. I grabbed a slick black one while Adrian chuckling took the red one with a white stripe down the middle. He grabbed all of the bags in the back too.

        "What are the bags for?" 

        "You'll see"

        "But can I know now?"


        "Why not?"

        "Cause it's a surprise"

        "What if I said that I hate surprises?" I asked teasingly.

        "Well I would say suck it up"

        "Well then"

        "Come on" He chuckled. I followed after him jumping around with the surfboard in hand. He dropped the bag on the ground. He pulled out a towel and laid it on the ground and two more.  From the basket he opened it up revealing food.

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