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Consisouness started floating into me. I was half awake. There was a delicious warmth licking at my back. I snuggled closer into the source of heat. I heard a small chuckle come from behind me. I opened my eyes shakily and looked straight into the beautiful eyes of my mate.

"Hello love" His husky voice spilled into my ears like music.


"Morning breath" He laughed.

I stuck my tounge out at him pushing the covers off of my body. Sparks shot up my arm as Adrian's hand wrapped around my wrist.

"Don't Come back" He breathed out.

"Oh. Morning breath"

"No. Come back. I need my mate"

"Two minutes" I promised. He nodded flopping back onto the bed.

I raced to the bathroom where my toothbrush lay on the counter. I rubbed the toothpaste onto the toothbrush and let in rinse under the water. I brushed my teeth and brushed my hair free of it's knots. I slipped back into Adrian's room to see him snuggling my pillow satisfied.

"Need my mate. Really?" I laughed closing the door queitly.

I slipped downstairs and grabbed a cereal box from a counter and poured the milk into the bowl. I searched for the spoons. I succeded and slipped my spoon into the bowl and started my ever so wonderful honey nut cheerios. I was peacefully enjoying my breakfast in the queit of the morning when a large pericing shreik sounds through out the house followed by a thud and a door slam. I see Marcus slink down the stairs.

"Y'all live here too?" I asked.

He nodded cupping his face.

"Tried to wake up Helen?"


"She has a hard hand"

"You don't even understand."

"Oh I do. This girl has slapped me more times than I can count. I never really learned."

"I think I learned my lesson"

A sudden scream rang through the house. Helen was screaming again.

"Did you do anything else?" I asked frantically. He shook his head. He and I raced up the stairs.

"Who's screaming?" Adrian popped his head out of the doorway.

"Helen. I think something's wrong"

A doorbell rang through the house.

"I'll get that" Adrian told me. "Go check on your friend"

I ran to her room. She was huddled in the farthest corner of the room, trembling. I nodded to Marcus as he went over their to comfort his mate. On her bed was an open box and a white paper. I looked at the paper.

"Tell the Luna she looks beautiful in her sleep. Even with someone else"

I looked inside of the box. I nearly screamed myself. There was a bloody red lung in there. I gasped holding onto my throat in shock. I tried to breathe but I felt fear suffocating me. I took the other hand rubbing it over my hand as if that would get rid of the view. I was nearly gagging.

"Ellie?" Adrian growled. "What's wrong?" I didn't say anything. I simply kept shaking my head in disbelief. What the heck is a lung doing there? He took a look at the box and the paper. He growled darkly. His eyes were dark.

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