Burning it up

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I slammed headfirst into the wall. 

"Crap!" I yelled. Helen grabbed at me. 

"What in the world are you doing you idiot?!" She screamed at me.

"Do you know how frustrating this is? I don't know anything about these people and here I am making out in bed with one of them? Don't you remember how much we hated this pack?!"

After that incident this morning and breakfast, realization hit me. They were the Bloodmoon pack. What the heck was I doing with them? I'm not one of them and I would never get involved with them.

"Yeah but you came here willingly!"

"Yeah I was being ridiculous anyway! Who the heck gives themselves up like that?"I muttered to myself. "Why are you okay with being here? Do you remember what they used to do to the other packs?"

"El, its fine-"

"Ellie?" Adrian's cool low voice came from outside. I froze. He stood facing me. He gave me a desperate look.

I said nothing. My shoes were way more interesting. I was turning red with humiliation. He gripped my chin tightly forcing me to look at him. Helen scrambled out slamming the door on her way out. My dark eyes met his darker eyes. I normally liked the original blue-green color of his eyes. Looking at the swirling obsidian eyes made me want to cry for my mom. 

"You are never leaving me" He forced my eyes to him. I tensed. My muscles coiling ready for attack if needed. His tone sent shivers down my spine. I did the smart thing when threatened. I pulled my knee up slamming his family jewels. I was confused and angry and not at all feeling ok. I whipped through the door flying through the house. Consciously I had no freaking idea where I was going. I finally found the front door and slammed that door shut. I ran as far as I could. I heard Adrian howl. I groaned running further. The further I got from him, the closer I got to Henry and Alan. 

I knew that there were wolves chasing after me. I knew I wasn't going to be fast enough myself. My wolf would've run straight towards them considering how much pull she was giving me about staying with them. I kept running.  Crossing the creek, I felt my wolf change a bit. We were in someone else's land. I ran at the border keeping away from that end of the land. The wolves chasing me gave out howls that signaled where they were.

No way in hell was I getting chased down and losing. I sprinted and ran from the wolves. The brambles on the ground seemed to get sharper and my legs were being sliced to ribbons by the trees. They were getting closer to me. If I could just get to town....

I burst through the woods entering the highway.The wolves couldn't get to the highway considering there was a danger of people seeing me. I started walking along to the town. When I got there people started looking at me, I pulled my arms closer around me. 

"D-Do you know where the bus stop is?" I asked a woman and he kids. She said nothing just pointed and shielded her kids from me. I moved away from her and towards the bus. After a few hours a bus finally pulled up. I entered placing the bus fare in. I took a seat in the back. I was on there for god knows how long. 

"The end of the line darling" The bus driver called out. I sent her a weak smile and headed off her bus. I was in the middle of nowhere. I started walking aimlessly.  

An hand grabbed me pulling me into the woods where I was greeted by an angry face. 

"A-Adrian" I gulped. He grabbed me roughly towards him. His eyes were darker than anything I had ever seen. I yelped as he growled at everybody. 


Jeez. Leave a girl with a psychopath. Wow. 

"You. are. mine" He growled pulling me closely in. I yelped. He smothered my face with his shoulder as he breathed in my scent. 

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