Drunken times

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As soon as I jumped at the bitch, Adrian grabbed me and slung me away. Honestly when my back hit the wall, it hurt less than the betrayal itself. Adrian growled. At me. I growled back ferociously anger consuming me. My wolf growled with me pulling at the power and authority we had in us.

Adrian growled back. We were clearly in a power struggle. I gave it up. No way would I win. I backed down. I regained my control and grip on humanity. Adrian calmed down. Realization must have smacked him hard in the face like a brick. Hopefully one with spikes dripping with poison.

"Shit Ellie! I—" I growled lowly at Keanes and then grabbed my food and left. No way was I going to deal with this bull shit without food. I knocked on the door that was across from mine.

"H-Helen" I sobbed out. She immediately wrapped her arms around me and shooed Marcus out. He said nothing as he left.

"Aww what happened?" Clary sat on the bed.


"Shhh....it's okay. Ellie it's going to be okay. Whatever he did. It's going to be okay."

"No! No it's not. It's not going to be okay" I whimpered out. "You know what he did?! He cheated on me! He was making it with that stupid Keanes. And I was about to rip out her throat when he grabbed me and pushed me away from her! He protected her over me! I-it sucks! And he growled at me. He didn't protect me, he protected her!" I was sobbing by now. My throat burned and tears just streamed down my face.

Helen wrapped her arms around me.

"It's going to be okay...." Helen comforted. Clary hugged me as well.

"We'll kick all their asses"

"Why don't we go out? Do something fun? It's only 9 anyway." Helen offered.

"Like what? We don't know this town very well" I shoved my arm wiping my nose.

"There's a club not far from here. We can hang there, get drunk, have a little fun wipe it in all their faces." Clary smiled.

"We're all mad at ,at least one person here. "

"What happened with you then?" I asked. Fuck Adrian. I wasn't going to deal with his BS on a weekend I want to enjoy.

"Marcus wanted to go hang out with Caroline alone and kept calling me ridiculous for not trusting him. I trust him not Caroline." Helen glared at the door.

"I'm mad at Adrian. He's already being a dick and then Marcus is being a douche like a literal douche. "

"How far is this club? Can we get in?" I was so done with the whole emotion crap. No more.

"We can just ask Bates to drive us. He isn't going to tell Adrian"

"Fine, Give me a minute to change and I'll meet you in the lobby"

I went back to the room. Adrian wasn't in there. But I don't care. I grabbed a small black dress that was flow-y enough to be comfortable but short and tight enough to be sexy. The sleeves rested on my elbows and the neckline was just above my bra. The dress itself was one of the shortest things I've ever worn. I wore black lingerie. If I was going to have fun tonight, I'm going to do it right. I took the time to do an actual smokey eye. From no make up to a contoured, smoky-eyed, red lipstick bombshell. I curled my hair spraying it quickly to keep it in. I grabbed a really cute pair of black stilettos. I looked like a slut. But an extremely high class gorgeous one. I walked out heading towards the lobby.

Helen was wearing a green short dress that was lacy and all of our shoes matched. Clary wore a red dress that totally went with her hair and we looked smoking.

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