The end of it all

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        Adrian swept around searching for Maddox. When his eyes set on Maddox, there was no stopping this angry Alpha. Helen and the others had run down to get Ellie. Ellie wasn't moving from what they could see. The panic was evident in their rapid footsteps. Helen saw her first. A blood-curdling scream rang across the field. Ellie's body was twisted in an awkward angle that didn't seem like anyone could survive. 

          Up in the attic, Adrian was going on a mauling attack. The pain and grief fueled every punch and hit Maddox took. Adrian's thoughts swarmed him. Maddox fought back but it was no use. Adrian swung clawing at Maddox's face leaving angry swirling marks on his face. Adrian shifted and lunged at Maddox pulling his claws into Maddox's chest. He ripped out flesh clawing and gnashing at the rag-doll body that one belonged to Maddox. An half hour later, Adrian felt no better. He could feel the mate-bond drifting unsure if his mate was going to live. 

           Adrian trusted the others enough to take her to a hospital and the pack doctor. Adrian thrust a deadly glare to the massacre. Maddox's head was lost somewhere in the mounds of blood and flesh that decorated the attic. The bond with Ellie was tensing as if it were about to snap. Adrian looked up suddenly to see Bates standing in human form. Adrian shifted back. 

             "Where is she?!" He demanded. He could feel the tension and rage rolling off of his body. Bates looked up at him sadly. He felt it all of a sudden the immeasurable pain she was in. Unsure of what to say, he grasped onto his brother's shoulder tightly as if asking for his strength. His love. Where she was he had no idea. He looked down at the floor taking a glance at his bloodied body. 

                "They're trying. No one thinks that-"

                "She will" Adrian growled. "Where is she?"

                "In surgery. Let's go"

                Adrian nodded simply. Ellie was hurt and even though he could feel her pain, he knew this was only a small part of it. The two brothers somberly walked back towards their pack. Before they left however, they enjoyed a simple boyish love. They set the house on fire. They shifted running towards their pack away from the burning house which held the body of a monster.

             By the time they reached the hospital, Adrian felt the bond. It was tensing almost teasing about the way it would break off. He raced ahead of his brother to his Mate's side in the middle of surgery. The doctor understood the need and simply nodded allowing the Alpha to stare at his Luna. 

               Ellie lay bent awkwardly on the white sheets of the hospital. Her blood was seeping into the sheets turning it into a dark velvet color. Her skin was clammy and sweaty. Her pulse was weak and she was no longer conscious which all were thankful for. If she was, she would've died from the amount of pain she would be in. The anesthetics in her arms kept her from feeling. The doctor eventually pushed Adrian away leaving the pack in suspense of what was happening to their Luna. 

For the days that Ellie could see no one, the alpha was uncontrollable. The rage and the grief poured out of him through the intense training. The entire pack felt it. Adrian went back to drinking to numb his pain. He destroyed almost 6 punching bags and nearly destroyed the pack house on a rampage. 

Helen on the other hand was numb. She refused to eat muttering it was her own fault for encouraging Maddox and Ellie together in the first place. She spent the first two days curled up in her bed crying out. Her mate did his best to comfort her, force-feeding her and helping her. They laid together for hours at a time. She laid crying while Marcus rubbed her back comfortingly whispering reassuring words into her ear. 

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